Friday, 20 March 2020

STRESS RELIEF WITH JUSTICE TO NIRBHAYA - [ A Heartful Mother's Victory- Asha Devi ji ]

Justice delayed, not denied:

Nirbhaya's mother...! Asha Devi ji....!

Those Eyes are.....
The Hopeful Visionary - A Heartful Mother's Victory.

Maa ji  ..!

You fought restlessly not only for your loving daughter, Nirbhaya....
For All the daughters and women of Our Country INDIA.

At times, your tears ceased but your heart to teach that, 
Cruelty is a Crime was heard and established.

Your non- violent fights with a great hope and respect towards Our Judiciary was Flourished.

You are not only a mother to a daughter, but a Powerful Soul....., 
Who proved to this world, that righteousness brings Glow to every Spirit.

Thank you so much for all the Citizens of Our Country, especially the lawyers who Supported, Cried, marched and Prayed For - The Justice to Nirbhaya along with the respective Parents. πŸ™

Hazel Shirley

What is Nirbhaya case?


*We Shall Overcome*

*What is Faith?* 

Faith is the service and the treatment given by the Doctors, Nurses and entire Hospital Staff to save every Life, that was infected.

*What is Love?*

Love is the responsibility taken by a family member or a friend to buy the groceries at the nearest Shop with a safety measure by wearing a protective mask there by taking safety measures.

*What is Sacrifice?*

Sacrifice is the mindset of a common man, who earns his / her daily living as vendors, labour, helpers, drivers, waiters, cleaners and the security guards.

*Who are Workers?*
People who are appointed and employed in different destinations to help, guide and protect the people. The Heroes, who claim responsible to save other lives.

*Who are Trenders?*
People who had chosen to isolate themselves to safeguard their respective Society and place unconditionally and with responsibility for themselves and their fellow citizens.

*Who are Blunders?*
People who don't follow government orders and neglect laws. People that were tested positive for COVID-19, and still have chosen to escape the treatment and disappear.

Hazel Shirley

Saturday, 14 March 2020



One should fear at the greediness, selfishness and Jealousy of
another person.

Human beings created deadly weapons in this world to safeguard their own boundaries.
Trust is no where, but trade is the ultimate grade to every country.

To help and benefit one and another is our business scheme.

Corona Virus,
It's just like other viruses - microorganisms, that only survive, when a living cell is found.

We can easily get rid of it,
When we strictly follow Healthy sanitization and sterilization.

Today, only a heartful person can save another person in this world.
No matter trade is diminished, let humanity Succeed.

Take care my Dearones. πŸ™‚πŸ™πŸ»


        One more time..., it's time to prove to the world, that we can eradicate the deadly, suffocating virus, COVID-19. 

   In this busy world, where we all admire to compete with one and another to win the grace,
may be it's sovereign time to visualize our prime responsibility to consider one and another to save the human race. Choas brings out an outstanding Global unity to end the deadly suffocating VIRUS, COVID-19.

   Challenging the unity among the human beings, irrespective of different countries, states and races...., aroused contagious COVID-19. It's neither here to confuse us nor panic us, but to teach us self-discipline, health and hygiene with proper sanitization and sterilization. Above all it's here to teach us, our responsibility not to hinder any other's health but to live honestly. 

Eradication of COVID-19, happens only when we follow the safety and preventive methods:

Stay Healthy 

The best defense against a respiratory virus is prevention and good hygiene. 
  • Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds.
  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth.
  • Cover your cough or sneeze with a tissue, then throw the tissue in the trash.
  • Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces.
  • Stay home when you are sick, except to get medical care.
  • Avoid close contact with people who are sick.
Stay informed by checking reliable sources of information and practice good hygiene to protect yourself and others.

How to Protect Yourself

There is currently no vaccine to prevent coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19).
The best way to prevent illness is to avoid being exposed to this virus.
The virus is thought to spread mainly from person-to-person.
  • Between people who are in close contact with one another (within about 6 feet).
  • Through respiratory droplets produced when an infected person coughs or sneezes.
These droplets can land in the mouths or noses of people who are nearby or possibly be inhaled into the lungs.

Friday, 13 March 2020

CORONAVIRUS - 19 - The Best Disinfectant Is The Sunlight

The Best Disinfectant Is Sunlight

If we’re going to spend ever more time indoors, we need to at least let the sun shine in

by Richard Hobday

Dr. Richard Hobday is an internationally recognized authority on health in the built environment.
Fresh air, sunlight and improvised face masks seemed to work a century ago; and they might help us now.
by Richard Hobday
When new, virulent diseases emerge, such SARS and Covid-19, the race begins to find new vaccines and treatments for those affected. As the current crisis unfolds, governments are enforcing quarantine and isolation, and public gatherings are being discouraged. Health officials took the same approach 100 years ago, when influenza was spreading around the world. The results were mixed. But records from the 1918 pandemic suggest one technique for dealing with influenza β€” little-known today β€” was effective. Some hard-won experience from the greatest pandemic in recorded history could help us in the weeks and months ahead.
Put simply, medics found that severely ill flu patients nursed outdoors recovered better than those treated indoors. A combination of fresh air and sunlight seems to have prevented deaths among patients; and infections among medical staff.[1] There is scientific support for this. Research shows that outdoor air is a natural disinfectant. Fresh air can kill the flu virus and other harmful germs. Equally, sunlight is germicidal and there is now evidence it can kill the flu virus.
`Open-Air’ Treatment in 1918

`The efficacy of open air treatment has been absolutely proven, and one has only to try it to discover its value.’
Fresh Air is a Disinfectant
Thank you so much for the valuable information in your Health Article,
Richard Hobday