Wednesday 31 August 2011


Human needs: Mankind has numerous needs. When needs are met efficiently, the result ultimately is a balanced and integrated personality. The individual becomes a happy, harmonious, and productive person who is a source of gratification to society as well as to himself. When needs are not met, or when their satisfaction is delayed too long, the person may become frustrated, inhibited, and unbalanced, developing a defeated and discourages attitude that gives stress.
           Needs are classified into three categories-organic, personal, and social. Great number of needs must be satisfied or be in the process being satisfied, if a person is to live and attain mental health. It relieves stress in that person.Needs varies in their intensity from individual to individual and according to the level of maturity. Mas low classified and arranged needs in a hierarchy. Lower level needs assume priority and higher level needs become functional after lower level needs are satisfied.
 Mas low Hierarchical listing of the needs:
1. Physiological needs.
2. Safety needs.
3. Belonging needs Love needs.
4. Extreme needs.
5. Self-actualization needs
6. Aesthetic Needs.
Physiological needs: These include air, food, water, protection from injury, and relatively constant temperature. These needs for food, water and oxygen are also called primary needs. Satisfaction of these needs is very much essential even for the existence of an individual. This relieves stress. Too much food, water and oxygen can be destructive to life and health as inadequate diet, lack of water and improper ventilation gives stress hence, should be taken care.
Safety needs: They include need for protection from danger (physical and psychological), for routine, and for familiarity of environment. Man needs security of life both in economic and social sense. A child feels secure when its parents love it, when it gets a great deal of time and attention, when its wishes are quickly satisfied. When the economic circumstances allow its organic needs to be satisfied and when it is accepted for what it is because of its assets and in spite of its shortcomings. If it insecure,fearfulness,timidity,social reticence,lying,stealing,or retreat from competition, over aggression,bullying,exhibitionism and other attempts compensate for lack of security that cause stress.
             Freedom is conducive to develop unique skills, which are the ultimate bases for security. Mostly teachers and parents deny the autonomy to children, and their capacity to experience wonder and fascination, by invalidating whenever they appear. Children need to develop independence if they are to develop a feeling of security that is genuine. Most youngsters independently learn something wonderful to them. This relieves stress-causing factors in them.

Tuesday 30 August 2011

Stress less affective development

               Learners are not passive observers, listeners and learners. They seek satisfaction of their needs and goals, both immediate and distant to achieve equilibrium. In course of achievement, they are confronted with simpler feelings of pleasantness and unpleasantness or complex emotions like anger, fear and joy, which are affective states.
Feelings: Feeling is the pleasure and pain dimensions of emotion or bodily function. Feelings refer to pleasantness or unpleasantness and are called a hedonistic tone corresponding to broad attitudes of acceptance and rejection towards various aspects in the environment. Pleasant things are those for which we strive ,we want to prolong, and maintain where as unpleasant goals that cause stress are those which we avoid, dislike and want to terminate. Pleasant reactions that relieve stress are relaxed and unpleasant stress causing factors cause muscular tension.
                Pleasantness and unpleasantness vary relation to intensity of the stimulus. Experiments show that if a very pleasant object is placed with less pleasant objects, less pleasant objects are assimilated.Example: The best friend’s faults are also liked.
                When an unpleasant object is placed with less pleasant objects, it becomes more irritating.Example: The good qualities of our enemy are hated along with other old qualities.
Needs: One of the major keys to explain human behavior is human need or needs. Human needs are vital, indispensable are urgently requisite. Organic needs, such as those for food, moisture, protection for extremes of temperature if not satisfied results in death. Lack of satisfaction of personal and social needs brings about a lack of desire to live, which is a stress factor. Their chronic denial might result in extinction of an effective and unique personality. Man a happy, harmonious and productive person who is a source of gratification to society as well as to himself.
 Need: It is a set of behavior concerned with the acquisition of similar reinforcements. Need is felt when there is defiency, originally or socially. Such needs are called deficit needs. On the other hand there is a need to grow, to improve .to become more than what one is. Such needs are growth needs.
              Multiple needs of humankind in their intensity and frequency from one person to the other. Some need more opportunity for exercise, love, independence or companionship than do the other. Needs with in reach with capable budget could be met easily with efficient effort with out having any stress in life. The needs, which are at more budget than capability, may reflect negative stress causing factors like grief and agony. To satisfy all the necessary needs one has to satisfy his own mental, physical, and financial capability. Therefore, it is always advisable to plan and carve the necessities, which are required to live happily with out stress. It not only propagates good culture in healthy living but can also teach to manage all the things in right prospect.

Monday 29 August 2011

Stress relief to children with healthy diet

Healthy diet is the most important thing in making your children to be strong in their physical and mental health. Now day’s things have changed to an extent where most delicious foods are available in the nearest places. It is difficult to parents especially mother to make their children eat nutritive food with required quantity. Children always refuse to eat and love to play. At times children fall short of nutrition, which effects their healthy growth. Some children turn to be under weight and some others over weight, both, which is not healthy anyway. It is always important to monitor certain facts and make children realize to eat their nutritive food with care for their own good health.
Stress relief tips to give nutritive food:
  1. Worthy time: Consider the time of feeding your child as the most worthy work. It is a blessing to have healthy children. To have worth to able to give all kinds of foods is still more worthy. To know or learn the knowledge of nutritive food is excellent as you can give the best to your child. What you need is time to help them understand that you need them to complete the food given with or with out your help. Therefore, advise them with your valuable suggestions, concern and affection that they need to take healthy food for their good to lead a stress less life.
  2. Pleasant time: Children enjoy eating food in a pleasant atmosphere rather than a hurried, forceful or diversion to other aspects at their feeding time. Instead, help them to realize that you need them to complete their food with fearless attitude enjoying the goodness as well the taste. It relieves stress in them.
  3. Useful gifts: Parents love their children so much to that extent they love to buy many things at their demand and often forget the concept of its application in their real life.Chips, bakery items like cakes.pastries, ice creams, cool drinks and chocolates…are gifted by their demand. It is important to avoid foods made by hydrogenated oils, saturated fats to protect their health that relieves stress.
  4. Best example: Parents are the best example to their children to learn discipline in their eating habits. Teach them to follow your eating lifestyle and provide foods, which are nutritive and rich in all means. Quality is the best process to be followed; as well the quantity required should also be taken care off as they, eat. It relieves stress in both parents and children.
  5. Best breakfast: Children skip breakfast with numerous reasons and time runs so fast that they fall short of energy in the morning fresh hour. Set the time as well the principle to learn to finish the breakfast is the most important and essential factor for the healthy growth of the child. It relieves stress in parents and cherishes the child to perform all his duties at school, well.
  6. Very Precious: It is very important to take care of children’s diet to have all nutritious ingredients because the childhood is the stage where all parts of the body are at growing stage. Food is the most necessary requirement to the growth of the children, which requires all the essential nutrients.If they are less supplied, it is no doubt the impact lies upon their body and they grow with less immunity and of course with weak parts when they grow up. Therefore, always give the best kind of quality with appropriate quantity to your loving child to lead a healthy, happy, stress less life.

Saturday 27 August 2011


Sleep: The condition of body and mind, which normally recurs for several hours every night, in which the nervous system is inactive, the eyes closed, the postural muscles relaxed, and consciousness practically suspended.
Sleep is almost neglected these days in over viewing numerous responsibilities.Stress is ruling life. Pleasant sleep is at decline. Man is unable to adjust time to complete his tasks, which he is undertaking with immense responsibility. Therefore, he is choosing his rest (sleep) time to manage the things on right time, neglecting the most important aspect for a healthy life. It is a known fact that a man needs eight hours of sleep for his complete body rest and cell renewal concepts to develop immunity and to stay healthy, active, fresh and energetic. Sleeplessness irritates man and he becomes weak in course of time if it is neglected. Sleep for eight hours at night is never a luxury but necessity for healthy long life.

Reasons for sleeplessness:
Obesity: Obese people often face sleeplessness. They feel difficult to breathe and their over weight interrupts them to relax well. It is always advisable to maintain ideal weight and to work it out at the beginning itself before gaining excess weight.
Lack of proper exercise: People involve in day today work and goad themselves into numerous responsibilities that they often neglect to spare time for them to exercise. Lack of exercise does not give pleasant sleep and cause stress.
Deficiency of micro nutrients: Some people often neglect to take balanced nutritional diet. People deficient of these multivitamins and minerals in the body do suffer from sleeplessness. Iron and calcium deficiency cause stress and gives body pains.
Deficiency of hormones: Hormones play an important role in the well-being of a person both mentally and physically. Lack of certain hormones like thyroxin, melanin, cellatonin etc..., is responsible for sleeplessness that cause stress with interruption in pleasant sleep.
Narcolepsy: It is genetically a disorder in some people. They experience rest less sleep during night and become weak during day. They fall asleep while they are at work with out their knowledge and strength. It causes stress by restlessness and interrupts their work as well
Hallucination: It is a situation where people affected by it imagine numerous things in their mind to satisfy their mental state, which do not exist at all. They get frustrated for meaning less fearful falsehoods. This cause immense stress and they fall short of pleasant sleep.
Periodic Lymph Syndrome: This is also being called as restless leg syndrome. People that suffer from this inconvenience, move their legs continuously.They cannot help themselves to explain about their problem. Therefore, help from neurologist is advisable. They not only distract others sleep but suffers all night with sleeplessness.
Snoring problem: Many people misunderstand snoring as the state of sound pleasant sleep. Doctors explain it to be an obstructive disorder. Snoring does not provide sound sleep and they wake up with interruption due to lack of sufficient oxygen supply. Snoring sounds often distract pleasant sleep of others as well.

Tips for stress less pleasant sleep:
1. Take balanced healthy nutritive fresh food and maintain ideal weight.
 2. Exercise daily for 45 minutes to eliminate toxins out of your body and to improve your blood circulation, which makes your heart healthy.Exercise, helps to tone your body muscles and relaxes mind to have pleasant sleep.
3. Some people go on a crash diet avoiding carbohydrates at their dinner Sugar levels of the body may not be maintained well and diabetic problems
 may arise. Therefore, take balanced diet. It helps with pleasant sleep.
 Healthy diet relieves you from stress and gives you pleasant sleep.
4. Warm water bath refreshes your body and relaxes your muscles and mind. It helps with pleasant sleep. Relieves stress in body and mind.
5. Avoid taking coffee or tea during night. They stimulate your body. Instead, take yogurt or warm milk to have pleasant sleep.
6. Always, avoid watching horror movies or reading unpleasant stories that disturb your peace of mind. Avoid memorizing certain previous issues that distracted you or had given you mental agony. Instead, share pleasant and happy memories, watch or read humor stories or listen to pleasant pleasing music that relieves you from stress causing factors and give you pleasant sleep.
7. Avoid goading multiple tasks, to complete at limited time schedule. It makes your mind restless. Though you sleep for a while, tension and fear of workload arise where you wake with vigorous heartbeat and sweating. Comfortable planning and time management relieves you from stress providing pleasant sleep.

Rest less wonderful people…sleep at night for eight hours or more than five hours at least, it is not a luxury, it is necessary for your healthy life.

Friday 26 August 2011


Punishment is an ineffective means, relatively; to produce any permanent change in behavior.Punishment has suppressible effect on behavior. It gives stress to any one both physically and mentally. When it is removed, the former response to which the punishment was given is recovered in early stages of life. In the case of people with low moral standards, it produces a loss of personal spontaneity and flexibility.Therefore; it teaches an undesirable way of attempting to change unacceptable behavior.

Objections to the use of punishment: Punishment is a planned attempt to influence the behavior of children for their own benefit rather than an effort to expose them to an unpleasant experience.

Objections to punishment relieve stress:
  1. Moral objections: Punishments connotes inhuman treatment. Punishment forces the person to something against his will. To avoid lifelong maladjustment; a brief painful experience may change the direction of their limited view.
  2. Scientific objections: Punishment does not have long-term effect over the person. It does not eliminate a maladaptive response but only suppresses for a short time.Example: A student may have been scolded fro not being prompt several times but he engages in the same behavior after a short while.
  3. Stress due to lack of direction: Punishment simply serves as a signal to stop inappropriate behavior. It creates fear a negative emotion that causes stress. It is not a healthy emotion. It looses its effectiveness if the child is no longer afraid or is willing to face the consequences.
  4. Undesirable conduct: Punishments are likely to reinforce the undesirable conduct by overemphasis. Another may laugh off punishments that are considered severe by one pupil. Some others may deliberately provoke punishment for the compensation of being in the spotlight.
  5. Unpleasant feelings: It may generate ill will towards teacher society, parents and family. There is no reliable measure of severity in punishment. They create unpleasant feelings that are negative and associated with failure. Constant failures and mental depression gives immense stress to the children.
  6. Undesirable act: Telling the children what not to do is unfortunate because, it suggests, emphasizes and keeps warmth the undesirable act. The idea takes the form of compulsion and the act becomes inevitable. It emphasizes the error that tends to stamp in. In teaching spelling, it is better that the misspelled words are not shown to the pupil. The tendency is to repeat the mistake.
  7. Development of avoidance behavior:The side effect that cause stress is when the punishment is the development do avoidance behaviors like lying,cheating,truancy.Once these escape behaviors become established, it is difficult to eliminate them.
  8. Over generalization: Harsh punishments make the student to turn into a less flexible person in one’s adjustments due to over generalization. Punishment sets a bad example.
  9. Timing of punishment: Timing plays an important role in determining the effectiveness of punishment.Children who are punished early in a given sequence of misbehavior develop greater resistance to temptations than those who are punished only after completion of the misdeeds.
  10. Punishment for self-direction: Punishment should be used to foster self-direction. The use of misbehavior contracts is helpful because it promotes self-direction by having the student assume responsibility for his own misbehavior.
    "we CHILDREN are meant to be loved. Teach us the way to obey our elders and share our affection to our friends by caring methods to discipline ourselves."[Inner voice of every innocent child] 
     -Hazel Shirley -

Wednesday 24 August 2011


 There are many challenges that a working wife has to face each day. Work at home, office, responsibilities of the children and the family members. In completing these multiple tasks, she often neglects or forgets to take care of herself with the healthy diet or pleasant sleep. Time to her is extremely precious to maintain and life is always in the race with multiple tasks.
           The women around the world are facing stress to accomplish their tasks successfully each day. In a research carried out with 6,500 working women stated, the results listed below-
Working women undergoing stress due to their busy work schedule-

India………   87%
Russia…….  69%
Spain…. ..... .66%
France… ....  65%

10 - Stress relieving tips to working wives :

  1. Time management is very important along with well-organized and arranged the work schedule. To maintain work discipline with manageable tasks would be healthy than to goad extra work within time relieves you from stress.
  2. It is a great privilege and comfort to spend quality time with your children and husband. After a days work out if you are unable to adjust your time to this aspect you may undergo stress. It is always necessary to plan and fix the quality time for the family, which is the prime aspect to relieve stress.
  3. Situations around your life may not be the same as you desire and multiple changes may occur in fewer periods. It is healthy to accept the situations as they are with the positive attitude and strong mind. It relieves you from anxiety and fear that cause stress.
  4. To get all the necessities and requirements at the time to home is not an easy task. This becomes a prime aspect to cause stress. Always plan the complete list of items and seek the help of other family members or call and order products to door deliver in order to save your time.
  5. The nutritious diet is being neglected to rush with numerous responsibilities.Lack of carbohydrates, proteins, multivitamins in your diet cause weakness in your body. Junk food, bakery items and cool drinks with additive colors and preservatives may not daily compensate nutritious balance in your diet instead increases sugar levels in your body that reflect on the obese body. It causes stress with body pains, headache, irritation, and frustration. It is always important to plan a menu chart with nutritive items in a week. It relieves you from stress and provides confidence at your health as well your family members well-being.
  6. It is always advisable to share work among the family members at home or to arrange needful helper to share your household work. Always avoid doing multiple tasks together to save time. It may create a new problem, which causes stress.
  7. Do not sacrifice your dress code or good looks to complete your projects on time.Management, colleagues, friends, and subordinates who maintain decent dress code may impress you and feel of guilt to make you self-confident in good looks, may depress you and cause stress. Therefore, always plan and maintain formal dress code at the office. It builds self-confidence and relieves stress.
  8. Try to improve the skills and innate abilities, which help you to promote your career and to accomplish your interests. It helps to reveal your efficiency and talent. Train up at weekends sparing time at least for an hour or two. This not only relieves you from stress but also keeps you enthusiastic that arouse positive emotions.
  9. Planning budget together, to reach all the requirements of your house and to clear the bills online to save your time relieves you from stress. It is always advisable to plan savings while clearing other debts and bills. This not only assures safety for future but also develops responsible priorities that you should handle.
  10. Plan and attend get together functions, school and college meetings of your children and family functions. Plan for a pleasant weekend or at least once in a month to unite with your family members and friends. Socialization always relieves stress in you. Sharing opinions and healthy discussions not only develops knowledge but also relieves you from stress. Develop healthy loving relationships irrespective of distant places they live in. Association of family and friends stand together in support at all times. These associations construct good society for the progressive achievements, of your children for a better tomorrow.

Tuesday 23 August 2011

STRESS LESS MARITAL LIFE [10-Stress relieving tips to please husband]

“More marriages might survive if the partners realized that sometimes the better comes after the worse.” -Doug Larson

         Marriage is honorable in all. Yes, it is. Most of the people around the world do honor and follow all the given aspects. It is just to memorize the facts to maintain moral values and to achieve healthy living.
          No two opinions and interests are a like. It is always a concept of compromise, acceptance and adjustments made by each other all through the life. It is evident that if you like the person wholeheartedly many mistakes or faults seems to be minute even though they reflect bad impact 
on your mind that cause stress in your life. When disliked person is in the life then, a cup of coffee
 with less sugar can take a chance to get divorced.
           Most people opt marriage to be most sacred and respectable process to lead a family life and to have children. Society respects marriage. Living together with their interests and to have children depends on their own understanding and attitude though, society hardly accepts. Moreover, it is worthy not to comment or hurt anybody’s opinion.

10-Stress relieving tips to please husband:

1.To make your home the best place to live in and to drive the attention of your husband to home after office or his busy schedule…do maintain your house with cleanliness and perfect welcoming arrangement no matter if you are a home maker or employee. Luxurious sets may not always relieve stress but clean home with simple, colorful, fragrant fresh flower arrangements and your pleasant smile would help to relieve from stress.

2. Most of the researchers had revealed that men, primarily admire beautifully garnished, delicious food than beautiful women. Serving tasty freshly cooked food relieves men from stress.

3. Men always admire and appreciate good listener. Many responsibilities and busy work schedule irritates man which leads to frustration. They cannot accept harsh words or loud voices when they are at home. Soft answer turns away wrath and relieves men from stress.

4. Husband always admires a wife who respects his views and encourages his abilities. It relieves him from grief, sorrow and disability. Loving nature of wife always relieves him from stress causing factors.

5. Most of the men do not neither accept nor appreciate dominion on their lifestyle and career. Egocentric and self-irrespective conversations often cause immense stress. Admiration at their efforts and achievements relieves them from stress.

6. Husband refreshes himself by sharing his love and affection with his family members. Progressive achievements of his children and good health with tidy mannerisms relieve stress in him.

7. Husband feels extremely happy when his wife respects his family members. Misunderstandings and change of words often cause stress. It irritates him with the fear of guilt and helpless anger, erupting negative emotions that cause immense stress.Therefore, it is always healthy and good to ignore things that hurt your family and love them unconditionally to relieve stress in your life.

8. Husband does not want his wife to restrict him regarding his interests or to pass on rules. Constant goading of restrictions make them to maintain secrecy in revealing the facts. This gives him extreme stress.Moreover; provide him good will for self-expression.

9. Men like to lead socially perfect and elegant life in the society. His grace, attitude and respect would reflect with the association of his team. Wife being the better half of the husband is equally respected. Her support in social meetings, conferences and get together functions relieve him from stress and builds self-confidence in him.

10. Husband would be modest only with the deeds of his wife. Men judge fast in conveying their stress causing factors. It is always worthy to wife, to understand his attitudes and to support him with unconditional love to relieve him from stress.Because, well done is better than well said.

Monday 22 August 2011



       One of the stress causing effects of modern life is the fact that the amount of time we spend thinking about what kind of food is necessary for healthy living is diminishing. Nutrition specialists explain that even though we eat three times a day, that does not necessarily make us any healthier or fitter. Good nutrition should actually contain a balanced amount of all the nutrients essential to stay fit both physically and mentally in life.
There are seven types of nutrients essential to our body:
1. Carbohydrates: They are energy yielding foods present in rice, bread, grain products.
2. Proteins: They are bodybuilding foods present in meat, fish, eggs, dairy products, soy products. They are essential to construct the damaged cells, for healthy body, skin and hair.
3. Fats:They are a group of natural esters of glycerol and various fatty acids that is necessary for energy and protection of the body. Unsaturated healthy fats like olive oil, groundnut oil, and canola oil are good.
4. Vitamins: There are two types of vitamins; they are water soluble and fat-soluble vitamins.1.)Fat-soluble vitamins: Vitamins A, D, E, K 2.) Water-soluble vitamins: Vitamins B and C.They are present in whole grains, meat, eggs, vegetables, fruits, milk, poultry, and green leafy vegetables.
5. Minerals: They give strength to our body and to maintain our immune system well. They are present in all fresh leafy and colorful vegetables, fruits, whole grains, milk and milk products, meat, poultry, nuts.
6. Fiber: They are very essential for healthy metabolism and elimination of toxic material from our body. It cleanses our digestive system. It is present in all whole grains and leafy and color vegetables and fruits.
7. Water: It is very essential liquid to our body with out which our body would not exist.70percent of water should be taken daily including juices and other healthy beverages.20 percent of water should be taken from other foods we consume daily.
Stress relieving tips with healthy diet:
  1. Warm water with lemon and a tablespoon of honey serves as the perfect fresh, good morning drink. It helps the digestive system in the process of eliminating the waste products from the body easily. This drink helps the body to relieve from constipation, which causes stress in most of the people.
  2. Take breakfast with rich protein and fiber food before nine, after your daily exercise and bath. Freshly cooked menu with all the nutrients. It relieves you from stress causing factors such as anxiety, tiredness, headache, body pains.
  3. The quantity of your food, which you consume, should be carefully monitored only to the extent of your necessity. High calorie food with excess quantity develops unnecessary accumulation of fat that reflects on your body with obesity that causes stress. Ideal weight relieves you from stress. Toned body gives healthy out look as well happiness to oneself
  4. Hot green and black tea is the best relievers of stress after a restless work out.Flavinoids present in the tea is considered good for the health of the heart and antioxidants present in it relieves from cancer causing factors which relieves from mental stress. It also relieves from certain allergies that cause stress in our body due to lack of immunity.L-Thia-nine present in green and black tea gives refreshment to your body and relieves stress-causing factors.
  5. Fresh leafy vegetables, colorful vegetables and fruits are rich in anti oxidants. They help to maintain immune system of the body. Consuming a tomato rich in red color consists of lycopene an anti-inflammatory and anti cancer agent relieves you from stress, as it is rich in anti oxidants.
  6. Whole-wheat grains, paddy, bajra, jowar, millet's, corns, oats, soya, malt are rich in protein and fibers. These foods in the form of porridge's and biscuits give instant energy and good health. These are easy to digest and relieve you from stress that causes body pains and mental tensions. It also helps to maintain ideal weight that cherishes happy life.

Saturday 20 August 2011


Children are like wet cement. What ever falls on them makes an impression.
-Haim Ginott-

                    The personality of the child, the foundations for which had been laid in babyhood, begins to take form in early childhood. Parents and relatives constitute the social world of the child. Their feelings about him and their treatment are therefore important in the shaping of his self-concept. The child’s concept of himself as a person is formed with in the word of family relationships. As the mother plays a more important role in the young child’s life than any other single person, her attitudes towards the child and her treatment towards him are significant. It influences his personality development.
                   Researches found that the child rearing practices in a rural area revealed that the behavior problems of children increased substantially as the severity of the methods used at home distinctly contributes to the development of self-concept,strict,authoritarian discipline and frequent harsh corporal punishments turned to build up resentments against all forms of authority and feelings of martyrdom.
                  The aspirations of parents for their children also affect the young child’s self-concept. If these are unrealistically high, the child is doomed to failure.
Failure leaves as indelible mark on their self-concept and lays the foundations for feelings of inferiority and inadequacy through out life.

A child is the nation’s pride: Early childhood should be happy period in life. If the child is to be happy, his basic needs and wants must be fulfilled. The following suggestions will emphasize the important role of the parents in making a child happy.
Stress relieving tips in early childhood:
  1. A healthy child is the potential for happiness. With careful attention to his diet, sleep, rest and play, he can be in good health for the most of the time. Even when ill, a child can be happy if he feels that his parents are doing all they can to help him to be comfortable.
  2. A child is happy when he is not annoyed. Parents must recognize that the behavior, which annoys a child such as constant asking of questions, temper out bursts following a necessary thwarting of a desire, or quarelling with sibling and playmates, is a normal accompaniment of early development. Even more important is to show the child how to satisfy his needs in a more social way to make himself a more attractive and amicable person.
  3. A child needs a constant reassurance of being loved in order to be happy. A well-planned consistent and comprehensive disciplinary policy will dispel the beliefs that the child may harbor that he is not loved when unfairly treated. When emphasis is placed on naughtiness of his act, rather than on him. He will have no reason to feel that he is rejected, which relieves stress in him.
  4. Guidance in learning how to get along with other children in play situations will increase the young child’s feeling of being accepted and loved by his sibling and playmates outside the home and their by ensure their happiness.
  5. Every child must have a reasonable amount of affection to be happy. Parents must shoe their affection for the young child by an interest in his activities and pride in his achievements. However, affection along will not satisfy his needs, unless it is geared to his level of development.
  6. A child must be helped to like himself. He cannot like himself if thinks that he is a failure. Parents therefore have to take the responsibility, to develop and encourage the child not to develop a failure complex. By showing appreciation for what he has done for good things and how it could have done better and by not comparing the achievements of the young child with an older sibling or playmate. Parents must help the child to have a goal with in his potentials and thus achieve it.
 The most important factor is an atmosphere of happiness at home at all times. The child’s home is his immediate environment. If the prevailing atmosphere of the home is happy, the child will be able to overcome temporary unhappiness without distorting his outlook on life continue to be happy.

Friday 19 August 2011

Stress relief in children-Passive play

Passive Play:
                     Passive play is watching, listening others play. Children get pleasure and enjoyment by watching others play. They are not involved in the play but equally enjoy the game and get relieved from stress.
                       Watching others play –for example; watching circus, magic show, visiting zoo, poultry, sanctuary, museum, art gallery, science fares and exhibitions
           Children like looking at colorful pictures in books, comics, magazine, and newspapers. They also enjoy watching cartoons, films, television.While watching them they come to know about new things and develop curiosity about the objects. Then they start questioning why, what and when…..This helps to answer the questions regarding their school lessons. Listening to stories like fairy tales, adventure stories about animals, about home life, about children and about service. People like –Police, Postman, about grandparents, about relations help them to develop their concept on knowledge. They like to clear their doubts. These activities give them pleasure, satisfaction, a sense of tension relief or it relieves stress in them.
               Toys should help them to develop exploratory and constructive ideas. They should not be easily breakable, should not be sharp, should not contain toxic substances, should not have fast colors,should not have small buttons,beads,that the children should meet the mental and social needs. It should stimulate child’s interests. Toys should stimulate creativity in the child. It should develop the concepts of color, shape and use for entertainment and application of things in real life.

Equipment stimulate the child’s healthy development: Physical development climbing,boards,swings,slide,push and pull toys, jungle gyms, see-saw boxes for climbing, wading pools, tricycles and bicycles.

Large muscular co-ordination development: Roller skates,tricycles,bicycles,jump ropes, doll carriage,balls,jungle gyms,skates,ice-skates,garden tools, sand box toys and boxes for climbing.

Small muscle co-ordination: Crayons, paints, clay, scissors, pencils, small blocks, peg board, weaving set jacks and balls, which are made up of soft rubber.

Intellectual development: Records, picture books, storybooks, television, radio, comics and puzzle games. Video games other than car and bike races for limited time also develop intellectual knowledge in children. Any kind of race games because unknown tension in children that leads to stress. It is always advisable to avoid them or to allow for short period.

Creativity: House hold equipment like dolls, stuffed animals, simple musical instruments, triangle bells, toy things like all –vehicles,puppets,animals,birds,insects,aquatic animals and so on.
Speech development: Encouragement of self-expression, pictures in comics and magazines, storybooks, radio and television.

Social development: Anything that can be played with other children, such as-sand boxes, musical chairs,swings,see-saw,jungle gyms, jump-ropes and many more interesting out door and in-door games to relieve stress in children.

Every child enjoys playing games with respect to their interest. It is always healthy to respect their feelings to give them stress less healthy personality, both mentally and physically.

Thursday 18 August 2011

Stress relief in children-Play activity.

  Definition of Play:
 Play is an activity done to spend the pent up energy. It is done for enjoyment. It is a way of letting out emotions, feelings, in a form accepted by others. Play makes the body activity energetic. It helps in physical strength and an activity activates the muscles. It helps in the proper circulation of blood.
Value of Play: Outlet for extra energy development of all parts of the body bones, muscles and internal organs. Exercise develops good appetite and healthy sleep. Through play, the children learn to control their body. It develops in the development of many new skills. It encourages creativity. It helps to explore the environment. Through play, children are able to get rid of negative emotions such as-anger, fear, jealousy and grief. It helps to develop socialization, which enables to mix with other people. It helps the child to develop sport and spirit. It gives the child a chance to follow the rules.

The essential features of play:

Children must have more energy to play than other activities. Children who are physically weak have less desire to play.
Time: For at least short period, children should get time to play freely and let out their emotions.
Equipment: Children need some simple play equipments. It must suit them according to their age and ability.
Space: There should be enough and sufficient space for the children to play. 
Knowledge: The child should be taught how to play with particular play equipment and how the equipment should be handled.
Playmates: They should have enough playmates to play with or to watch their play.
Types of play: Active play and passive play are the two main classifications.  
Active Play: Children are active in this play and involve themselves in the play; the different forms of active plays are as follows…:
Exploratory Play: The child is given a toy, looks to produce sound from it, smells it, feels it and squeezes as well pats and does all sorts of exploration with the toys there by their curiosity is fulfilled.
Constructive Play: Drawing, building blocks, completing the puzzle game naming, shapes arranging to the size and grouping according to the colour, shape, size.Children are able to develop their brain in the constructive activity.
Dramatic Play: Children treat the doll as human. They talk with them and play with them. Their realistic attitudes are received through this dramatic play.
Family Play: Playing with the family members maintains the sound relationship of the family. The children will also enjoy the participation of the family members.
Indoor games: Simple game cards, matching cards, collecting certain informatory cards, collecting certain things, guessing games, musical chair, finding hidden object can be played with in the house.
Out door games: Out door games like running, hide and seek, catch, seesaw, slide, merry go round, swing jungle can be played out door. Sand play and water games are the favorite out door games of the children.

All these play activities relieve children from stress. They grow with healthy body and healthy mind.
Parents: It is the responsibility of the parents to help children meet their physical, social, emotional, and intellectual needs.So, play has to be encouraged. Minimum amount of time has to be allotted for the children to make them active and break out. Child should not be kept at home for longer time. It will affect their personality ability. The parent should play with the children and make the children play with others for the healthy attitudes towards the development of child’s personality.

Wednesday 17 August 2011

Stress relieving tips to do

Melody making tips –
1.Always plan to be confident what you want your career and future would be physically, mentally, socially and financially to over come stress in order to avoid tensions.

2.In the minute you are told that you are conceived, make sure to convey it along with your family members to your first born to prepare him/her regarding the new arrival of a family member.

3.Buy him/her two baby soft toys which resemble a baby girl and baby boy while helping them to understand that his brother/sister would be with all of you after some days.

4.Counsel the child to make him understand about the new arrival .It might take time to him/her to understand but in course of time they learn to enjoy the topic.

5.Socialization makes the child to figure out the facts when they observe other families around them.

6.Lactating mothers should always encourage the first child to help them with things around they need to nurture the new born.

7. Always make the child to understand the responsibility he/she has to help mother in taking care of the sibling.

8 Participation in group activity with any concerned work which the child could manage and enjoy doing it should be given with love and trust.

To get feeding bottle from other place to mom.
To pat gently his/her sibling with concern.
To clean baby’s mouth with soft napkin.
9 Always show unconditional love towards both of them, attention towards the behavior of the child and to answer their questions with love to remove Stress in their tiny minds.
10. Give time to read small stories and help them to sleep beside you along with new born to make them confident about your love and feel happy with your concern.


Don’ts :
  1. Do not neglect to talk, share and spend time with them.
  2. Do not refuse or postpone answering their questions.
  3. Do not hinder to avoid them when you are serious with another topic unrelated to the child.
  4. Do not accuse them with harsh words or manhandle them to make them understand what you feel. It is the most undesirable treatment, where the child would undergo stress which makes him feel insecure.
  5. Do not take them to visit  hospitals unnecessarily. Unless for important as well necessary good health. It makes the child to expose to unrelated fear and confusion as well. Depression rules their innocent minds to hear his/her siblings or other children cry aloud at hospitals.
  6. Do not refuse to take them to places which are advisable to entertain and to develop their interests along with their peer group. Though it is difficult to manage plan to accommodate with the help of your family members or friends.
  7. Do not neglect to provide them nutritive food which is essential to their growth each day. It is very important  for stress less life.
  8. Do not make them to be awake at nights to play with new toys, which might distract your sleep. It is unadvisable to family and especially the child.
  9. Do not neglect to ask all the things that happened at school (if school going) or any place they visit .To know about their feelings and to advise best remedies, if required also relieves stress in both.
  10. Do not forget to give quality time to make them understand that you love them unconditionally with complete faith on their good behaviour and abilities.

Always remember ---Children are planned and welcomed by Parents. Parents are responsible to provide them stress less life.