Monday 10 October 2011


 This humility is healthy. It keeps us balanced. However, these good, normal, rational feelings of inadequacy are always a response to something specific, not to life in general. Which brings us back again briefly to the larger definition of normalcy. But by following certain tips to avoid the inferiority feelings one can progressively come out to maintain their personality in public and can gain respect and trust of the people around. It also helps them to be strong in their will power and health both physically and mentally. It ensures them to live life with self-confidence and elegant appearance with warm pleasant smile on their face.
Stress relieving tips to avoid inferiority complex:
1.      Honoring yourself relieves stress : You are unique creation with many talents and goodness. The only reason that causes stress might be that you do not accept the fact or satisfied with the truth. People should be honest no matter what exists around them. It is very hard to be with people who hypocritical that cause stress. You may never know what they think to do or what they do not like. To be happy with what all you have and strive hard with what all you can do, and to achieve your target or to accomplish your destiny with healthy thinking by respecting your own attitude which is no harm to others to get hurt is the most admirable way to relieve from stress.
2.      Self-confidence relieves stress : It is an honor and privilege to live life with self-confidence. But do not be over confident about what you do and do not neglect to take suggestion if you are less talented than your colleague no matter if he is your sub-ordinate if talented. Over confidence can always decline any expert.Therefore, encourage yourself with humble acceptance that relieves stress.
3.      Development of self-efficiency relieves stress: No human in the world is an expert by birth. One should learn to struggle, to learn all the things that are existing around him. The art of learning with self-discipline always relieves stress.
4.      Avoiding false accusations relieve stress : Two faced apple cause stress, when their nature is revealed. They are the people who compliment you to your face and criticize you behind your back. They lack self-expression and lack of confidence enables them to escape from many unanswered questions. False accusations on others cause immense stress in mind, which makes them to struggle with guilty consiousness, when alone. False accusations may satisfy and give comfort to ones  benefit only for less period of time, but the consequences that come at later may cause stress in such a way, that one can not forgive himself.
5.      Avoiding hallucinations relieve stress : These are the people who assume things for their personal satisfaction or simply see fake things existing around them. These kinds of apple polishers always try to pet the world to like them. You never know where you stand with them. They think ill of good people and remain under stress hallucinating things and get frustrated and irritated. Such kind of people can harm the people around and sometimes themselves too. Therefore, it is always advisable to be truthful and self-expressive to be with healthy mind for healthy thinking that relieves stress.
6.      Avoiding ego-centric nature relieves stress : Today, many marriages, friendships and family relationships are at trouble just because of ego-centric nature. Both the man and woman are being extremely successful at accusing the faults of one and another than to accept things together for their healthy relationship. Forgiving the faults and admiring the talents are at declining rate. Negative emotions’ like anger, jealousy, grief, sorrow exist in mind that causes stress. Frustration rules this nature and even a gentle person may turn out to be rebellious. It is always advisable to be humble and affectionate towards one and another to relieve from stress.

 The most famous and outstanding people in the world were and are incredibly humble enough to learn the things from talented people. Instead thinking about inferiority they learned to be humble. That is the most admirable friendly nature anyone would welcome to remain unselfish to the deeds that talented people do. It is only you who should decide your life and destiny, because your thoughts and deeds walk hand in hand and you are responsible for your own life….either to live with out stress of guilt or to live stressful life..!Your decision unlocks your health and happiness.



   When someone feels they are not as good as other people they get frustrated, to accept the truth. They would develop connectivity with different aspects of life that one may feel difficult to understand.
               Many of us would like to know such an individual, but doubt that any of us has ever witnessed such an array of virtues contained in any one person. But the person with the inferiority complex doesn’t compromise in his goals. He must possess all the virtues in order to feel adequate. Since one can practically guarantee that he/she will not achieve this status his/her inferiority complex becomes, in essence, a whip which prevents him from accepting himself or making an adjustment.
             We can differentiate between the creative idealist and the person with the inferiority complex. The objective idealist wishes to perfect some idea or concept which is larger than him. The person with inferiority complex may have goals to reach beyond himself. But the motivation is `egocentric’, the basic motivation is to achieve a feeling that he counts as a person. Everyone has the right to respect and love as a person. If you feel that you must achieve something in order to be respected and loved, you have the classical inferiority complex.” The economic insecurity that accompanies a lower class family frequently leads to inferiority complex and a keen sense of the effect that security has no personality. The inferiority complex, whose possessor doesn't consider himself good enough to be accepted to himself alone. It is quite common for introverts to this personality factor as a cause of their inferiority complex. They feel that being an introvert is undesirable. They do not realize that most of our creative people are introverts.
               To be sure he has feelings of social inadequacy because of his in capabilities than the talented people or friends around…but it can be emphasized again that feelings of inadequacy can be normal. If you have them, don’t worry about them. In fact, if you meet someone who doesn't have such feelings, ring for the nearest psychiatrist. It is impossible not to have feelings of inadequacy if you have any concept of mans insignificance in contrast to the reaches of the universe.

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Thursday 6 October 2011


                          Responsibility is the high price of self-ownership.-Hans Clarin-

       We all learn our responsibilities right from our childhood. By the time we become physically fit, mentally matured, and financially settled, we may neglect to honor our responsibilities, as well  find enormous excuses, to skip… to perform our duties. One of the most used words to complete ones responsibility, would be tied up with a word called “stress.” Yes, it is the existing fact of this 21st century that it is increasing in this world equal to pollution. Stress is essential to learn responsibilities’ and adopt different skills to some extent.But, if it is more than, one can bear, that would ruin his physical and mental health.

Responsibilities that relieves stress:

  1. Responsibility of child’s care relieves stress: Children for their parents would be, precious treasure, other than any materialistic luxury in this world. Parents would strive hard and sacrifice numerous things, to make their children the best citizens in this world. As they choose the best provision along with essential facilities, to make them comfortable and happy, to feel proud of their parents. Any inconvenience in their life would give stress to parents. From their healthy diet, growth, school activities, study to all the necessary and luxury games children ask for, would be a pleasure to give from loving parents. Parents, who lack this responsibility or who stay away from their loving children to share their love with their presence for some reasons, may undergo stress. Satisfaction of performing parent’s responsibility not only builds affection but also relieves stress.
  2. Students’ responsibility relieves stress: This stage, where many students have trouble to perform their responsibility, they face numerous counseling classes from parents and school faculty. They almost get frustrated and confused to obey, as well to enjoy the blended attractive options present in the world around them. They can neglect neither their responsibilities nor respect to perform them. Proper brought up, instructions and restrictions, with the help of the parents valuable suggestions, right from the childhood would help them to realize their responsibilities, not only to study well, but to establish trust and to make his/her parents proud, to relieve stress on both ends.
  3. Responsibility in family relieves stress: Family is a wonderful association of all loving members. To perform responsibilities, is to share their love between one and another, but not merely a duty. Many characters, persons are involved in the family, which perform their responsibility well, to establish good relationship with one and another. Good communication, sharing of opinions, respecting the views of others and sacrificing certain enjoyments, to see a smile in the faces of other family members, is feeling responsible to one-self. However, no two people would have similar opinions. One should be able, to forget or forgive to maintain the responsibilities and to construct the bond of the family for the healthy atmosphere of happiness. Such people will be respected for performing all their responsibilities’ well.
  4. Responsibility at work or duty relieves stress: In this world, responsible people will never stay idle, rather would carve to be more efficient to perform all their work with self-respect and dignity. Sincere people would always suffer and undergo severe criticism in the public as well, at their office. Such people should be strong enough to stand responsible, to perform their duties for the progress of their career and family. The family, not only will accuse irresponsibility, but the society will not provide a respectable place to him/her in the future. Responsible peoples reward might be late, but will never be neglected. Self-satisfaction and self-respect glows with responsibility that relieves stress.
  5. Social and moral responsibility relieves stress: We live in a society and as a human being; every body has to perform their social and moral responsibilities. It should be taught to every one right from their childhood to feel responsible about the people living around. Most of the people do take responsibility to help the poor and needy especially, orphan children, old people, and diseased, neglected people. They are able to see the beauty of this world as, certain wonderful people and blessed organizations, dedicated to serve them with responsibility, to live with joy. It is a great honor and privilege to help them provide the right to live with human responsibility. To root out in humanitarian acts and to stand on moral values to provide organized, healthy society with responsibility relieves stress, of the society as well. To protect the earth out of all kinds of pollution's is the most demanded responsibility of every citizen.
  6. Patriotic responsibility relieves stress: Every one adores and loves their country and expects to serve the best for their country with their self-efficiency. To serve ones country, with truthfulness and sincerity and to feel responsible to develop his/her country for the well being of all the people is the most appreciable concept, that relieves stress. Speeches are only heard, but deeds are seen. People who dedicate themselves to feel responsible to sacrifice their lives in the army and police and serve with sincere responsibility for their country, are the most adorable and patriotic responsible people. Every sincere and self-dedicated person is a soldier, to ones country.
Responsibility is the character, that not only relieves stress but also make humans to be sincere in their attitude that gives him adorable respect in the family and society.

Wednesday 5 October 2011



.      The school is a dedicated primary place where you start your social life to learn and interact, people with different types of nature and to adjust as well compromise to develop socialization.

               School days are the most memorable days for many events and adventures to treasure in one’s life to relieve stress. School life is an evergreen age that will not wither at any stage of life. If you are stressed up with your busy mechanical life developing your career or do find time but no one to share or listen to you, then memorize your school days.

Stress relieving memories of school days:

  • Assembly.
  • Prayer song, speech, thought for the day, National Anthem.
  • To be silent, when principal passes through the classroom.
  • Expecting strict teachers to be on leave.
  • Helping friends during exams, with answers you know and checking if the teacher comes with answer sheets after examinations.
  • Hiding behind friends, when the teacher asks questions.
  • Hoping the days with games hour are not holidays.
  • Dreaming about birthday, for months to make it special with celebrations and favorite new dress.
  • Silly complaints, funny gang wars and taking your friend's blame on you.
  • Sharing food with friends. Eating chips without making noise. Sticking chewing gums under the bench. Running to the canteen.
  • Getting angry, for the nicknames.
  • Trying unusual modifications on bicycles.
  • Polishing white shoes with white chalk.
  • Trying to convey and convince with only false statements and to win great impression.
  • Drawing funny pictures of friends and teachers at the back of each note.
  • Continuing to chit chat after several warnings and punishments.
  • Exchanging favorite accessories with friends.
  • School picnics, field trips, excursions.
  • Elocutions, essay writings, quiz programmes, science fares and annual cultural programmes.
  • Last but not the least to write on friends slam book about your interests, hobbies, date of birth and address……………..

                  Always, make time to meet all your childhood school friends.
 Share your opinions and feelings to one and another. Schoolmates, especially classmates have an extreme love for one and another. Look at your group photographs…, naughty as well innocent pictures relieve you from stress and gives extreme joy and happiness.
  Yes, school is a dedicated primary place, where you start your social life. School days are the most favorite memorable days to treasure in life, that relieve you from stress.

Tuesday 4 October 2011


People can be more forgiving than you can imagine. But you have to forgive yourself. Let go of what's bitter and move on.Bill Cosby 

    Forgiveness is the unique quality, that exists in noble mind. It accepts the painful facts, that hurt you most.... given by someone who is ultimate to you.

              To live a life in fullness you have to involve yourself in all fields of life with morality. People around you, will not be the same in their life style and attitude, that would please you.Therefore,you have to sum up all their qualities irrespective of their interests, and to learn to accept the things as they are and to remain sincere in your efforts.To forgive as well to ignore their qualities, that hurt you is the most appreciable
efficient  and pleasing aspect, that would give you peace of mind.
It helps you develop great individuality and relieves you from stress causing factors.

7 stress relieving tips to forgive :

1.      Forgiving children relieves stress: Children are loved and accepted the way they are and almost forgiven by the parents most of the time. In-disciplinary lifestyle, disobedience, rudeness and laziness of their children hurt parents. When constant repetitions, in positive counseling to transform their nature do not work, parents loose their temper and punish their children. To make their children realize their fault they will be strict and strong with their opinions and punishments to teach discipline. At this point, they suffer with immense stress. Therefore, it is advisable to parents to develop good rapport with their children and to counsel them with parables so, that they can choose the best with liberty.Children are meant to be to think.rather than what to think.Therefore,it is always worthy to teach children about moral values right from their childhood.When they grow up it waters and cherish them to choose the right aspects and concepts to live a respectable life,that is beneficial to their society.

2.      Forgiving parents relieve stress: Children are appreciated and cared by the love of their parents. Children always would like to experience all their interests in practicality though it hurts their own family members especially their loving parents. If it is incorrect …, at this point parents would accuse, punish and manhandle their children using harsh - abusive words, which children consider very seriously. Acceptance and repentance of the children for their mistakes is the most advisable method to relieve stress on both sides. To humble in front of your parents by forgiving and forgetting their punishment will never decline you,but will enable you to gain their love and trust.

3.      Forgiving spouse relieves stress:'Marriage is honorable in all'. It is associated with love and trust. It is made up of many compromises, adjustments, sacrifices and understanding with pure heart. Mistakes and faults might happen in the way of life, which would lead to misunderstandings. Forgiveness and acceptance with broad mindedness relieves you from stress. To humble oneself before another-neglecting self-ego, might help you to relieve from stress factors, that cause due to negative emotions.

4.      Forgiving siblings relieve stress: It is the most common problem found in every one of the ten families around the world. Negative emotions such as (hatred) anger, jealousy are common between the siblings and they keep complaining about one and another to their family members, friends and society. One can never feel happy if they are regretted or hated by their own blood and would undergo restlessness,that cause stress. It is advisable to communicate and discuss the problems aroused between them and to forgive one and another with humble loving mind, that relieves stress.

5.      Forgiving neighbors relieve stress: The society starts with the neighbor.It is very natural, that two neighbors’ might not exist with similar views or concepts. It is good to convey your attitudes and interests and try to respect, that of others to maintain good relationship.Difference of opinions may hinder the relationships only when unfaithfulness and helplessness exists,that develops hatred.Therefore, develop association with good mannerisms to relieve stress and forgive the mistakes for the best foundation of togetherness in the society, that develop with neighbors’.

6.      Forgiving self relieves stress: You are unique in the way you are created and do not under estimate yourself for any reason,that others complain. Time and positive attitude can tune you to be the best, when you respect yourself. Your qualities will enrich your character with respect only, when you forgive yourself. It helps you to transform into constructive, co-operative and compassionate path maker, that relieves you from stress and negative emotions.
7.      Forgiveness gives health and relieves stress: When people around whom you love and trust the most turn to be unfaithful, it hurts to an extent, where hatred would erupt to break healthy relationships. Continuous thinking may cause stress and develop Schizophrenia, depression, mental sickness, blood pressure and diabetic problems. Frustration, anxiety, fear... interrupt physical appearance as well. One cannot concentrate on any work properly. No person can feel happy, when he/she is not linked with healthy relationships, with all his/her family members, though he/she is given all pleasures in life. Forgiving and forgetting the bad experiences and memories, converting precious time, to memorable accepting affections shall 
      certainly build happiness in the life, to bloom with fragrance of unity.Therefore,
      utilize every knowledge building concept to gain wisdom for the enrichment of 
      mutual understanding to live a peaceful,happy life avoiding stress factors.

"Forgiveness - Key to the freedom and leads to love."


Stress relief with social networking.
Knowledge is divine. More than 150 crores of people access internet in their daily life. 
People existing today in 21st century might not even think, about their life with 
out social networking. 
It can join, in the list of primary needs, 
of a person today.

World-famous experts and their team worked to develop-social networking. 
It is creative, genuine with exclusive methods to apply the knowledge of internet is
using different networks to get
people together. It develops their career in all respects. 
It helps to interact with all the people in the world, on one screen 
at the place where they live, irrespective of human social barriers. 
It is the most admirable and appreciable existing fact.  It is the one 
and only social networking.

1..Revolutionary social networking founders relieve stress:
Founders and organizers of social networking are unique in thinking .., 
to provide its viewers the best kind of options to move around internet 
not only to express, entertain, learn, listen and teach but to communicate 
and watch the most dear ones present all over the world in fraction of 
second. It not only relieves you from stress but also encourages you to 
be confident in your views and to develop communication skills.

2. Enthusiastic entertaining screen relieves stress: 
Other than Icons, applications, wallpapers, screen savers there are 
many entertaining games on screen of computer. Graphics 
are downloaded free, entertain people of all age groups especially 
children and college going... to start a day with recreation and 
If you want your screen to be unique and to be transformed with 
attractive place then, pd-stress relief is present. You can watch 
beautiful pictures in your gallery, which provides music that coincides 
with the running pictures that relieves you from stress that specifies 
date and time as well.Movies, creative games, skillful games, art sites, 
entertain all age groups with entertainment to relieve them from 
stress and to make them enthusiastic.

3.Ever green education relieves stress: 
A person develops in all walks of life if he is educated and develops 
his interest and abilities by joining different education sites which are 
present on line …many free courses to enlighten your career with many 
intellectual concepts, to reveal your potential and to encourage yourself 
along with your family and friends. Every education course is present 
through social networking along with its respective placements after 
the successful completion of the course studied. 
For example: www.pagal, exclusively for MBA students.

4. Online library relieves stress: 
It is a good reader that makes a good book. The book from many decades 
was and is the best friend to people all over the world. It is the true essence 
of knowledge to preserve as well to reveal. Published books that are installed 
in internet are present to read or buy through it. Therefore, it depends upon 
your interest to search and read the content. It explores you with incredible 
knowledge and can remain as your best friend forever to relieve you from 
 http: //

5. Learning languages relieve stress: 
You can learn world languages and can translate any unknown language 
through social networking especially our international language, English.
Communication develops speaking skills and interaction develops confidence 
that relieves stress. Many web sites are encouraging people around the world 
to develop communication skills and language. By becoming its members, one 
can learn to speak English fluently.

6. Music-melody relieves stress: 
It is a heavenly language, which no one would deny. Music is the best option 
to relieve anybody from stress. Special occasions to tributes, nursery
rhyme to patriotic prayer songs; it is music that brings people together. Music 
is always welcomed, respected, loved and accepted by all age groups all around the 
world. One can search for their all time favorite songs in any language 
respectively. In the year 2013, mobile music exchange in India is going to 
provide license to shop owners that are interested to download media files 
to enjoy music as well to earn through

7. System in security relieves stress: 
If more than, one system is used at home and to secure your children with 
certain conditions you need to know about Net Genie Cyber roam. It is 3G 
wireless router. Desktop PC, laptop, mobilephone, and printer with router, 
net can be obtained. Parents can set` parental controls’ to the networks 
that their children use. It relieves stress in parents to secure their children 
along with computer system. This system is more secured with its network 
with antivirus and firewall security installation.

8.Conceptual browsing with time management relieves stress: 
Designed perfection in planning with required concepts, time management 
with work discipline and control in browsing, by not getting distracted into 
different concepts, unrelated to the required information that is essential,
and applicable for tomorrow makes every body successful in social 
networking with out stress. Social networking leads advanced, technical 
up to date information regarding all concepts present in the world, and to 
build knowledge to his/her successful career. It helps to learn and compete 
with self-confidence. 
To learn from the place where you live is the most blessed opportunity 
to 21st century social networking people all around the world. It is your 
choice to select the one you are interested in and your success is 
present in the option you select and time you dedicate.Therefore,it is 
you, who can manage things positively to build the best example of 
your life by making correct use of the technology that many 
intellectuals had designed and dedicated.