Tuesday 6 September 2011

Blocks to creativity cause stress

A moment’s insight is sometimes worth a life’s experience.                                                                -Oliver Wendell Holmes-
Certain cultures and groups inhibit creativity. Likewise strong emotional factors and frustrations inhibit creativity.
Perceptional blocks:
a)     Imposition of self-restrictions: This cause stress, as the talent and interest are restricted by one self due to certain personal reasons where, the mind suffers the pain of its worth. The credibility is cast away to others for other reasons that later suffocates the capability and efficiency of their innate ability of creative worth.
b)     Incomplete observation: Every theme should be completed with constructive end for the well-being of the society. Incomplete project cause stress, where the completion depends on overall observation to stand as the best example.
c)      Habits of biased perception: Influence of others at work with out self-credibility cause stress. Credible and able mind always enjoys work with self-efficiency and hard work.
d)     Difficulty in forming new association: People of different concepts focus on different subjects that can aim at unmatched conclusions that cause stress. It is always advisable to make association with interested team that can relatively aim at common concept of the project.
Intellectual blocks: a)Success orientation b)strict avoidance of risk  c)making mistake’s  d)inhibition in questioning,guessing,e)preference for judging)excessive reliance on authority.
Emotional blocks: a) Fear of failure, criticism and ridicule, ambiguity, uncertainty.
                             b) Anger, hatred, over-motivation.
Cultural blocks: a) stereotyped sex roles, daydreaming, emphasis on obedience, pressure to confirm to traditions in home, college and at work place.
Brain Hemisphericity:
             The human brain, a great bulb of convoluted tissues, is split into two hemispheres. Groundbreaking research has revealed that the two hemispheres, left-brain and the right brain perform different functions. An incredibly complex network of 300 million neurons connects both sides of the brain. This network, the corpus collosum, shuttles information backward and forward between the two halves of the brain. The left brain specializes in what are commonly labeled `academic’ aspects of learning-language and mathematical process, logical thoughts, sequences analysis,speaking,reading,writing,using symbols categorizing, idea linking,judgement ,managing time, abstracting and so on.
           The right brain is principally concerned with `creative’ activities utilizing rhyme, rhythm, music, visual impressions, colour and pictures. It is our metaphorical mind looking for analogies and patterns, intangible ideas such as love, beauty and loyalty.Thus we use our right brain for visualizing visual memory, spatial perception, seeing whole things at once,synthesizing,awareness without description, recognizing similarities,insight,`feeling’ our way, relating things to the present, intention and so on.
Creative Process:
Preparation: Prepared mind can discover. A person with a problem gathers data as the ground for solution.
Incubation: A creative thinker contemplates on an idea to find a solution to the problem that is bothering him. When he does not get it, he suspends doing anything and hits upon a way out.
Illumination: This is getting insight. This transforms the individual from a state of groin miserably and helplessly to state of mastery and ecstasy.
Revision: The individual evaluates his hypothesis, submits himself to critical appraisal and even abandons his hypothesis if sufficient proof was not available.
Impersonal objectivity characterizes the product of creativity.
J.P.Guilford’s pioneer work in the area of measurement of creativity stressed divergent thought production as the real creative output because of factor analytic studies of the indicators of creativity.

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