Thursday 1 September 2011


Love is the noblest frailty of the mind.-John Dryden-

Belonging and love needs-for being wanted and appreciated, for being loved and being able to love.
                  The individual needs to love and be loved if he is to develop into a happy and productive person. Children know when they are genuinely loved. If the children are cuddled, and rocked they become more active, and take interest in things. Loving care of parents, patience and kindness of teachers who maintain a friendly and empathetic atmosphere in the classroom are necessary. The higher the degree to which one is loved, the higher the capacity to love will develop.
                    Man is gregarious. He needs to associate with people, and belong to the group. Removing the child from group is often an effective means of checking deviant behavior in school. Courteous behavior helps to develop sympathy, tolerance, and respect for others. Companionship provides the opportunity to gratify the need to love and be loved.Freedom; equality and justice are also basic to the satisfaction of need for companionship.
                  Lack of love at home may contribute to certain problem behaviors like suspiciousness, aloofness, and fear. Besides them, drug addiction, alcoholism, prostitution, vagrancy, lack of drive towards accomplishment, and lack of application, lassitude, and antisocial behavior also are seen. Love provides a lubricant to help life flow more smoothly. Understanding children, knowing their interests and having a dialogue with them develop warm relationships. Group discussions provide some of the needed companionship sharing responsibility, pooling opinions, taking part in co-operative actions and capitalizing on individual potentialities.
Esteem needs: For being wanted because, one is good, worthy, able; the individual must feel that he is admired for qualities and skills he has. People need to achieve either in athletic activities, or in intellectual pursuits, or in improving moral living. It depends upon his talents and the environment in which he is.
             Adults in the community and pupils in the school want to be `somebody’. Each person needs to feel that he is worthwhile, that he has something of value to give to others; others seek his advice, aid and companionship because he is noteworthy. Recognition tends to give the pupil a feeling of confidence in himself and provides an incentive to tackle new problems.
             Satisfaction of the need for recognition may come from socially undesirable behavior as well as from approved behavior.Example: Delinquency, due to lack of recognition for achievement at school or for importance at home. Teachers can praise meritorious successes as well as honest efforts. They can also encourage the group to recognize and praise the work of members of the class. Avoiding blame of failure especially if it is due to lack of ability and avoiding shame, sarcasm, ridicule and comparisons by teachers and parents provide for ease in participation. Neatness of dress, habits of cleanliness, considerate treatment of siblings, regular attendance, and development of some specific asset are to be appreciated.

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