Friday, 22 April 2016


We will never know all the good that a simple smile can do.

If human beings need a language to understand a heart, then a pet wouldn't become a family member.

"Humanity is the conception of senses" suggests that our understanding and experience of the world, our very being, is deeply rooted in and shaped by our senses, the mechanisms by which we perceive and interact with our environment.


 Its always a great privilege to think about that Heart, 
who left the whole world behind just to see you Smile.

Beautiful is that Soul, who understands the meaning of your Eyes,
though words are untold.

Marvellous is that bond,
who lives together in Heart and Soul without fear. 

Whispering a Divine thought,
in their Sincere Silent Prayer. 

~  Hazel Shirley
~  Hazel Shirley 

Friday, 1 April 2016


“One day your life will flash before your eyes
Make sure it's worth watching”
― Gerard Way

"In your Silence, your Soul Speaks....
Just Listen to it and you will never weep
Your conscience is your best friend....
What you allow to think is where your heart resides to dream." 

'Whatever YOU are ...

     let your heart in it's thought and Soul in its truth respect YOU always.

It's not about what you are listening to....

but about what you are believing in...

It's not about what your eyes are watching at .....

but about what they are hoping for...

It's not about what your heart is dreaming ...

but about what your Soul is still waiting for...

"When the recipient understands the worth of your Love...
and respect emotions of your Soul,
What is more precious than a beautiful Smile...
....with an expressive vision..... 
....that speaks about one's lovely thought.

As long as you live, it's worthy to stay alive in your Heart."


Hazel Shirley -