Friday, 7 February 2025



Anything that is worth having never comes easy.

Quote by Theodore Roosevelt

In this busy old world,

Where we rush to achieve our goals and to master our skills.

Now and then, make time to walk slowly, stresslessly, and steadily to feel conscious about your heart.

There are situations around that you have to watch, think, and feel thankful about.

To speak, admire, and encourage someone whom you might not know.

Unknowingly and knowingly, we are human beings and are meant to live a life that has no regrets somehow.

A word to care for and a smile to appreciate.

Have the courage to hold to the truth that is worth living for.

One day, when we turn around to learn what we have sought,

Let no pain tremble in our thoughts.

Hope to cherish little things in life,

That made you glitter when you paused.

Being thankful for everything that was chosen is the mind's honest art.

Hazel Shirley   ðŸŒ¿ 

Thursday, 6 February 2025


"Listening to what was not said" in a conversation means paying attention to the underlying emotions, unspoken concerns, and subtle cues beyond the literal words being spoken, essentially trying to understand the deeper meaning or context behind someone's message by observing their tone, body language, and choice of words.

Time doesn't wait 

Our Parents are Our first teachers.

Our teachers are always like parents to us.

Right from our childhood,

People in different areas influence us.

Either good or bad,

We get attracted more to whom our thoughts and interests are synced with.

We stay away from those whom we can't tolerate.

Choice matters.

A person is neither forced by coercion nor misrepresented to select their abilities.

It's all about the interests one dives in, to achieve.

Yes, Choice matters.


Time doesn't wait.



Are you lost?

Are you curious?

Are you striving to get identified, seeking others attention?

If so, this post is for you.

Ask yourself—why?

In life, 

We struggle a lot to impress someone.

We learn to build ourselves to prove our abilities to others.


Have we ever thought of our own lives, which have their own purpose?

Every human being has his/her own identity.

We are different by our nature, looks, behaviour, thoughts, and lifestyles.

We are creative in our own way.

That's how we are made.

Writing on a slate can help us learn well.

The imprint on our thumb is carved carefully to dwell.

Instead of impressing anyone, 

It's constructive to influence someone to live a purposeful life.

Critical thinking would resolve any issue.

A complex mindset could dissolve what one wants to pursue.

A consistently careful concentration to build a conduct is an ultimate career to cherish and establish.

You are born for a purpose.

Leave no chance to find yourself to please 

The One who designed you to be unique.

 - Hazel Shirley 

Is attention seeking behaviour a unhealthy issue?