Thursday, 28 June 2012



Hazel Shirley

The family is both the fundamental unit of society as well as the root of culture. It ... is a perpetual source of encouragement, advocacy, assurance, and emotional refueling that empowers a child to venture with confidence into the greater world and to become all that he can be.
MARIANNE E. NEIFERT, Dr. Mom's Parenting Guide

1. Enlighten to identify the difference between CARE / CRAVE:
Children often hesitate to speak well in the absence of their
parents. Perpetrators do take advantage of this weakness.
It is the responsibility of the parents to make their children identify
the difference between love, care, concern, and affection from
tortures, cruelty, depression, pain in simple terms with the help 
of visual aids, especially books and current events related to 
this concept to bring the awareness to the children. It assures
them to live secure life with self-expression. Perpetrators
often get scared to come in reach towards talkative and 
interrogative children.

2. Observe the surroundings and help them to understand every situation :
It is always advisable to develop socialization. Interaction with
neighbours helps us to understand their mentalities and also to gain support. Certain Valuable suggestions can be given to the children for their self- protection, and guidance. To observe children's team time and know about their behaviour at school is equally important.
Parents should always guide and attend when children browse 
in websites to counsel them to choose the correct concepts.

Unfortunately, it is very important to monitor situations around all
the time as one is unaware of the reality of the perpetrator for 
his/her form may come in numerous ways.....(Neighbour, tuition teacher,
driver, watch man, helper, relative, hostel warden....).
No one can assess the inner mask of that person. Therefore, parents advice
is always preferable and important to the childrenThis, in turn, is incorrect to address as..'spying' it is the responsibility of the parents to safely guard their children with secure life.

3. Encourage children to express their Fears :
Sometimes, children often speak certain facts or use words beyond their age. Do not condemn them. Listen to them with concern in the heart. It shows real worth of love. Encourage them to express what they have observed or how they have spent at school or with friends. The free expression often helps parents to identify the situations and circumstances, by which a parent can understand the problem around their child. Advisable concepts on secured living can be revealed to children with proper concern to help them understand and believe in good things.

Every loving parent is always advisable to ask their children these few questions...

1. How was your day?

2. Who are your friends?

3. How did you spend your class/games/ library hours?

4. Is everything okay and comfortable in all aspects today?

5. Is there anything you want to share with me that wasn't kind to you?

4. Educate Children about their Self- security :
Children should be educated with knowledge of concepts to protect their body. It is advisable to reveal the fact to condemn and avoid when anyone touches private parts or irritates with unpleasant grabbing or when they use unpleasing words, that would disturb or hurt sensitive hearts of the children. The beauty of the motherhood should take initiatives to educate the child with slender cautions.

5. Teach to call the helpline :
To condemn free expression of the child often creates a massive gap between parents and children. Clarity in understanding will be deficient, which is very dangerous at both the ends. The Knowledge of spreading child abuse by the perpetrators to parents or elders in-charge is always advisable to prevent danger and to protect the children. Therefore, teach children the concerned phone numbers (Parents, guardians, teachers) or mobile numbers by heart. There are many help centers to reach innocent helpless children.

β€œTo be in your children's memories tomorrow,
You have to be in their lives today.”

― Barbara Johnson


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