Sunday, 25 June 2023



Behind every strong soldier, there is an even stronger woman who stands behind him, supports him, and loves him with all her heart.

True Love' is never a bouquet of flowers, 

but a melodious song of sacrifices.  

It is not about numerous sets of valuable jewels,

but mutual understanding welcoming compromises.

I do not want to fly over oceans and mountains,

I only wish to fall asleep on your bosom in all seasons.

I am not ambitious to listen to your praises, 

Your silence is worth, when you are at work to save the nation.

I will always treasure your dedication, that only nurtures my narration.

I close my eyes to pray heartfully all the days of my Life, 

to watch you 'Smile' in my dreams assuring to return back safely to your 'Beloved family.' 

Yes!! I believe in you as my heart is divinely made for you....! 

If Faith is the fragrance of true love,

then the patience is it's essence, that will solemnly wait to embrace hope, each day.

- Hazel Shirley - 

We sit around waiting for them to come home, hoping every day, that they are okay and that they know how much we love them.

our heroes - The Soldiers.

Friday, 23 June 2023


🌿 Thinking good about kind deeds, 

🌿 Forgiving one another, 

🌿 Helping eachother, 

🌿 To construct lives progressively and peacefully,
seems to be difficult these days. 

What seems to be easy is to judge one another. 

The heart of a person gets healed, when the wound is recovered.

Rash, ruthless Words hurt more, 
than a voice that left unheard
and a stripe that kept at note.

Manners matters the most,
than the appearance.

Kindness recovers the lost,
than the preservance.

Why do we get angry easily?

Many things can trigger including stress, family problems  and financial issues. For some people, anger is caused by an underlying disorder, such as alcoholism or depression. Anger itself isn't considered a disorder, but anger is a known symptom of several mental health conditions.

Spontaneous action and word expressed by oneself is the true identity of a person. 

There are a few deeds and explanations that doesn't harm or hurt anyone.

There are many unthoughtful Swift responses that would shatter a person or living beings for a lifetime.

Practice patience the true essence of prosperous life.

Avoid short temper the heartbreaking emotions that would destroy the peace of others as well their own.

What is patience?

"Patience is the ability to accept delay, trouble, or suffering without getting angry, bothered, or upset.”

What are 3 qualities of patience?

Patience creates confidence, decisiveness, and a thoughtful outlook on life. Patience leads to wisdom and success.

Objectives to respect one another 

  • Be kind and courteous.
  • Be polite, avoid interrupting or causing disturbances.
  • Listen to others and respect differences in beliefs and opinions.
  • Think before you speak, your language and tone.
  • Lend a helping hand or ear and practice compassion.
  • We often strive to prove our identity as an intelligent person. Instead, we can be presented as a kind person.
  • One's patience can build a life, sow a seed and can reap the good harvest, one day.

Thursday, 22 June 2023

Stress relief with valuable time.


Are you busy?

Running after your scheduled work,

Earning daily bread for living,

Finding ways to succeed,

Expressing facts to break the stress!

Though, striving hard and sincere, yet none could recognise your efforts.

Some facts are indigestible.

We never learnt the worth of a breath in our life, 

Until the pandemic arrived..

Let's ...

Make time to appreciate little things in our life!

An honest smile,

A hearty prayer,

A serene humming voice,

A greeting with a few valuable lines,

A work that your dear ones designed,

A recipe served with care - garnished,

A friend who remained the same throughout the decades,

A home that welcomed a pet,

The music that touched a heart driving away their fears,

The joy that glittered in their grateful tears.

A few words that you cherished with delightful eyes,

Sharing your lunch with a person, who helped you in your needs.

A family that loved you unconditionally,

A society that witnessed your humility,

A person who left values at every place, when alive.

A silent vision that bloomed after a life. 

Hazel Shirley

Wednesday, 21 June 2023

Stress relief with Modesty

Modesty: It's about a behaviour that doesn't make anyone inferior. 

A lifestyle that chooses to be simple. 

Easy, understandable speech and respectful body language. 

Comfortable in well being and confident in expression. 

Modest lifestyle wordrobe:


I should be simple.

I should be humble.

I should be neat.

"Dress code is a matter of choice."

Our wardrobe defines our priorities.

Our dress code explains about our interests.

Our personality is derived by our watchers.

The Modest dress code is termed to be the most respectable wardrobe in the world. πŸŒ

🌿 Simplicity never goes out of style.

🌿 Modesty is the highest elegance.

🌿 Classy is to guide someone to choose right.

Modesty isn’t about only hiding your body as  your priority, it’s about revealing your dignity.

🌿  If more girls would start respecting themselves, guys would have no choice but to respect girls. You can’t act like a rock and expect to be treated like a diamond. 

– Holly Summerall

🌿  A woman who focuses on worshipping God will consider carefully how she is dressed because her heart will dictate her wardrobe and appearance.

 β€“ John MacArthur

Friday, 16 June 2023

Stress relief with repentance - A Thankful Voice

"Repentance is the only exercise we should never stop ceasing."

Hazel Shirley 


Respect every drop of sweat, as it's made

when, blood is at strain. 

Honour every drop of tear,

as it's made, when a heart is in pain.  

Admire every word, that one  expresses with a true heart.

Appreciate every deed, that one does with hope. 

Conquer every trail to compete in this world.

Conduct is the only concept that makes you proud.  

Humour is healthy to keep hearts leap.

Humanity is wealthy to keep humans succeed. 

Stripes harm less as words hurt to weep, 

Secrets are told when, the heart trusts someone too deep. 

When life is almost at the end,

just look back to see, how patiently you have spent to reap. 


~ Hazel Shirley ~  : 2011 

( Hazel Shirley poems)

β€œThe highest form of knowledge is empathy.”

 β€œCompassion is a passion with a heart.”

Wednesday, 14 June 2023

Stress relief - In living a modest lifestyle

Have you ever asked these questions to yourself?

🌿 What should I wear today?

🌿 Which dress is more beautiful?

🌿 I have nothing to wear!

What is modest lifestyle?

Having a limited and not overly high opinion of oneself and one's abilities.

Everyone is unique in their own way.

Let's be kind and respectful towards every life.

Luxury lifestyle wordrobe :  


I should look rich.

I should be unique.

I should be very beautiful.

I should be appreciated.

I should be the centre of attraction and attention. 

Moderate lifestyle wordrobe:


I should be classy.

I should be attractive.

I should be beautiful.

I should be comfortable.

I should maintain dress code.

Modest lifestyle wordrobe:


I should be simple.

I should be humble.

I should be neat.

"Dress code is a matter of choice."

Our wardrobe defines our priorities.

Our dresscode explains about our interests.

Our personality is derived by our watchers.

The Modest dresscode is termed to be the most respectable wardrobe in the world. 🌍

🌿 Simplicity never goes out of style.

🌿 Modesty is the highest elegance.

🌿 Classy is to guide someone to choose right.

Hazel Shirley 

Monday, 12 June 2023

Stress relief by Saving the trees and Birds


When, I don’t have a wish to fly,

Don't try to tie my wings.

When, I don’t admire watching the rain,

How can I enjoy the monsoon's touch ?

When, I don’t want to sing a song,

Why do you play continuous music ?

When, I don’t wish to hear your voice,

Why do you repeat your noise.

Haven't you seen my nest on the branch of The tree, 'My Home....!!'

Where my hatchlings, were kept to rest free, believing it's my decorative chrome....!!

You cut the tree, that gave me the shade,

'It was my home, that you did not spare! 

Alas...! You are a Heartless person, you killed me alive, 

Tell me..! How should I live for the rest of my life..??

       ~ Hazel Shirley ~

There are millions on this earth, who are grateful and inspired by the Bird's life.

But are we really concerned to listen to their tender thoughts?

Are we not responsible?

This poem is written on behalf of the birds and gentle living beings that are still alive. Mankind is making many rules and whenever it's necessary, mankind is breaking ( the rules ) them free. In this world, where natural calamities are frequently visiting mankind, warning about global warming, we should realise that we are reaping what we sowed. GOD created a beautiful blessed planet for us. But for human needs, wants and luxuries, we left the earth like the one, today. 

I am just trying to express the feelings of those birds, that were never heard. 

May GOD help us to live with humanity.

Thursday, 8 June 2023

Stress relief - Tips to overcome fear and anxiety


Fear : It's an unpleasant emotion caused by the threat of danger, pain, or harm.

Anxiety: Intense, excessive and persistent worry and fear about everyday situations. Fast heart rate, rapid breathing, sweating and feeling tired may occur.

Common causes of this symptom

Anxiety can be normal in stressful situations such as public speaking or taking a test. Anxiety is only an indicator of underlying disease when feelings become excessive, all-consuming and interfere with daily living.

Tips to avoid fear and anxiety : Fear of losing someone or something !

[ Take the help of a family member, a friend or a doctor to listen to your fears, if it's ruining your health ].

1. To Develop a growth mindset and to stop Overthinking.

2. Realise and accept the facts that are causing the fear.

3. Sometimes, people in and around our lives might not be the same all the time. Our Dearones might misunderstand us and a stranger can help us. Don't worry. Don't struggle to accept it. 

3. A Change in life, when welcomed by action helps to attain good strength. Accept life as it comes. Everything has a reason. But don't chase to find it. Relax, give time to know your strengths.

4. Success depends upon the ability of a person to understand one's own weaknesses.

5. To treat the weaknesses by allowing to learn about one's own strengths and skills is important, that plays a major role.

6. Utilise the given time with poius nature, work schedules, planned aspects, family time and socialization. Maintain life and work balance.

7. Be a visionary to inspire someone to express and explain about, how you have overcome your fear and anxiety by learning and unlearning about the aspects involved by facing it. 

8. Fearlessness is a challenge, that each one of us should consider to overcome fear and anxiety, with a better choice, a spirit of confidence, by building an unique opportunity with hope.


1. Overthinking and fear of losing is a choiceless welcomed worry. Always avoid those negative situations and thoughts.

2. Attention grabbing and constant winning should not be in the to do list of the activities.

3. Planning to succeed is good but welcoming pressure to prosper isn't healthy.

4. Instead, share your smile, if possible a meal to the people around your life who are struggling to survive. 

5. Be Confident and Happy. πŸ€—

6. You never know the reason of your life, until your kind deeds and pleasant smile inspires someone living in fear and anxiety.

7. Be kind to others and yourself too.

Hazel Shirley -

Saturday, 3 June 2023

Stress relief with self-respect - citizenship

The most humble and noble smile ever stays.

A mother's love doesn't speak or strive to express
but feeds her family with delicious and nutritious recipes.

Sometimes, cooking for someone we love speaks louder than words.

The hard-working Vendors seek our attention just to help us understand
that, they do have a family to feed and care.

πŸ‡ 🌻 πŸ‡ 🌻 πŸ‡ 🌻 πŸ‡  

Thank you for not bargaining with hard working farmers and vendors, as they don't work to become millionaires but they do it to feed their family.

Never say no to any proletariat, as
they have self respect to feed their hunger.

The bold and the beautiful hearts  🍏 🍏

I don't know what is internet, 🌎
I can't read a quote to inspire me.
I don't wait for what time brings,

I pray only to ALMIGHTY. πŸ™πŸ»

I don't seek help from anyone,
I don't find time to Complain.
I have to live....
For the rest of my life.
I have to feed the one who trusted my heart,
My sweat and blood is my best self-respect.
Though, my body is shrunk with ill health and do suffer,
My head is held up with will power.
I call it self-respect.

- A daily wage earner's voice -

-    -    -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -

An authentic Soul.
Did someone say,  "He is a Gentleman." 

"She is a precious woman."

So, just convey a hearty respect to the noble heart and his/her will power.

Tell me...

How is your Life?

We need to be thankful,

Should not complain or cry.

Life is a Challenge,

Live it and help others to respectfully survive.

As you walk or drive to your work place,

Never forget to smile back at the valuable lives,

If possible please make time to buy and never bargain.

Thank you so much for reading.  πŸ™‚

- Hazel Shirley -