Sunday, 23 July 2023


Healthy Mindset - Growth mindset 

To appreciate someone, let's not depreciate another.

To encourage someone, let's not discourage another.

To compliment someone, let's not complain about another.

To help someone, let's not hinder another.

A healthy mind set always strives to build a voice.

Words to construct a pathway, even to the visually challenged are encrypted by the wise.

Kindness never goes out of style.

Choose to be gentle and nice. 

It's the formula for every successful life. 

Voice to values will cherish a broken heart and empower a healthy smile.

Stress relief with self-control

Our negative emotions and situations should be under control to avoid any form of destruction. It's a unique quality for a human being.

There are certain important reasons for which, the mankind can't control a natural calamity.


Control your anger, because we can't control a volcano from erupting...

Stop slandering, because we can't stop the storms.

Cease fighting, because we can't stop the floods.

Deactivate dangerous weapons, because we can't stop the deadly diseases.

Turn back from the cruel revenge, because we can't stop a tornado or a Tsunami. 

Quit from greedy deeds, because we can't stop the famine.

Halt harrasment, because we can't stop an earthquake.

Pause pride, because we can't stop the Sun,

that is at blaze and a hurricane that can shiver a state.

Realisation is the best anchor to sculpt the heart to repent.

Repentance helps us to bring about a behavioural change.

Good thoughts and kind deeds, that 

can build a constructive path is the 

only purpose worthy in our life.

Unity in a team work nurtures a bright future to a healthy mindset.

Hazel Shirley 



Sometimes, it's very heart'wrenching to write a few words to this advanced technological world. A place where our work schedules are striving to manage a day work within 24 Hours. Yet, fail to complete the task. 

Running after fixed work and time, advertising about growth mindset and forgetting about the capability of a human body causes immense stress. 

In this competitive place, where humanity is fading away by hurting the innocent teens to hardworking adults is almost found at lives every turn.

 "The tongue has no bones, but it is strong enough to break a heart. So be careful."

Why is the tongue a dangerous weapon?

People are hurt by words all the time. Relationships may be broken, jobs or promotions may be lost, innocent people sent to jail, etc. Words have a great effect on people, and we just throw them around without thinking sometimes. Many times, the whole purpose of our words is to hurt others, which causes immense stress.

How can the tongue destroy?

Words can destroy or slander a person's reputation. Idly spoken words can set someone on the wrong path in life. If you tell a child that they are no good, if you tell them that they will grow up to be a loser, if you tell a person they are stupid, in time the person will believe you.

Pressure in work causes 

Overthinking, fear, anxiety, disappoint, discouragement, frustration, short temper, restlessness, lack of appetite, sleeplessness, nausea, severe headache, migraine, suicidal thoughts, suffocation, inferiority complex, depression.

What empathy really means?

So, what is empathy? It's the ability to understand another person's thoughts and feelings in a situation from their point of view, rather than your own. It differs from sympathy, where one is moved by the thoughts and feelings of another but maintains an emotional distance.

"It is truly said that speak only when your words are more beautiful than your silence." 

Is empathy a value or skill?

As Tim Minchin noted, empathy is a skill that can be developed and, as with most interpersonal skills, empathising (at some level) comes naturally to most people.

Avoid stress causing factors :

1. Gossip

2. Slander

3. Lying

4. Flattery

5. Criticism

6. Cursing

7. Complaining

Stress relieving factors

1. Appreciation 

2. Encouragement

3. Admiration

4. Empathy

5. Mutual respect and understanding 

Hazel Shirley 

Question and answer courtesy about tongue and empathy: Google 

Stress causing factors and stress relieving factors Courtesy: Bible Epics - You tube 

Saturday, 22 July 2023


Many words that we speak intentionally or unintentionally might block our blessings.

Let's be very cautious and careful about our interests, thoughts, deeds and words.

If GOD Knows all, 

Why should we Pray ?

If God knows each and every one of us, sometimes, better than we know ourselves, what is the purpose of a prayer?

 As GOD says in 

Jeremiah 1:5

“Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you.” 

 HE knows our every thought and desire. 

HE knows what we want and what we need -even if we don’t yet know it ourselves.  

So, if God knows all, why should we pray?

A. “The function of a prayer is not to influence GOD, but rather to change the nature of the one who prays.”


1. It's a complete surrender of our body, mind and soul to the CREATOR.

2. It's an Honest and humble submission of Our thoughts, words and deeds.

3. It specifies our Sincere efforts towards -



 self- repentance,

 self- sanctification


 🌿 Self-determination to honour and believe in GOD with self-submission.

🌿 Rely Only on GOD Our true Saviour LORD JESUS CHRIST to lead us in HIS righteous path.

🌿 Yes! PRAYER a divine path to reach the most High GOD.

🌿 More than others, it transforms our Heart first of all.

Hazel Shirley 

Tuesday, 18 July 2023


The woman in the picture with a smile is Salwa Hussein !! She is a woman without a heart in her body. She is a rare case in the world, as she carries her artificial heart in a bag.   The British newspaper "Daily Mail" reported that Salwa Hussein, aged 39, is the only one who lives like this way in Britain.  She is married, is the mother of two children, and tries to live a normal life as much as she can, but with a twist!  Salwa's heart is placed in a bag which she always holds in her lap. The bag  is always with her with a device with two batteries weighing 6.8 kg, which is an electric motor and a pump, The batteries push the air into a plastic bag in the patient's chest through attached tubes, for blood circulation in her body.  All our personal problems and worries are nothing in front of this bold and beautiful woman.  Yet she smiles.

Read the complete true story about the bold and beautiful Salwa Hussein : A valuable message - Authentic inspiration.

Salwa Hussein - An inspiration for a gentle pure Smile. Stay blessed always. ( Thank you so much for your lively smile).


🌿 Being truthful for all the blessings and facilities relieves us from stress.

🌿 Being faithful for all the opportunities and help relieves us from stress.

🤔  Are we arguing to win our name and fame?
🤔 Are we complaining to prove our worth?

🌷 Be Silent, if you right and truthful.

🌷An Argument doesn't resolve the problem.
Rather, it creates a problem.

🌷 Meaningful words and valuable deeds always have worth.

🌷 It's not important to prove our true identity, rather it's extremely necessary to avoid wrong influence.

🌷 Expression and explanation in a gentle clear way is always appreciable.

🌷 Striving to grab attention and affection in anyway causes immense stress. It's always unhealthy.

🌷 Avoid jealousy, pride, egocentric nature that indirectly evolves with constant worry. This worry inturn erupts into short temper, anger and frustration that causes immense stress.

The Truth can never be perished, a lie will not survive.

Always be grateful to ALMIGHTY for every breath we take and completely avoid complaining that causes unhealthy stress.

Let's remember 💻✅✍️

🦜 We often get irritated by hearing the dogs bark, the continuous chirping of sparrows that are rarely found these days.

But we can never stop the natural calamities - the roaring floods, thundering storms, erupting volcanoes, devastating droughts and none can stop the wars with deadly weapons, that are completely damaging the fertility of the serene soil. 

🌸 In the world of unkindness, if you have empathy. You are living a stressless life.

🌸 In a place of impatient behaviour, if you choose to vacate to a serene working place, then you are living a stress free life.

🌸  In a group of sarcastic nature, if you have clear conscience, then just reveal the fact to be kind.



Thankful Voice  🌿

Hazel Shirley 

Thursday, 6 July 2023



GOD IS LOVE - Your Life is very precious 

GOD doesn't give us problems and puzzles.

GOD gives us time, conscience and opportunities.

It's our choice to choose,

Either to construct good conduct by the grace of GOD

Or to destroy a character by our greedy thoughts.

Life is simple to add value,

Let's not make it complicative.

For every complex question and contradictive situation, learn to respond with a simple, secure, frank, kind and responsible answer.

In a situation, where you can never be understood but only can be blamed then, choose to answer with your silent smile.

Sometimes, your silence can be understood at a place where you are trusted, where ten thousand words explaining the facts might be misunderstood.

Listening to one another is the utmost respect to resolve every problem.

Hazel Shirley


Respect every drop of sweat, 

as it is made, when the blood is at strain. 

Honour every drop of tear, 

as it is made, when the heart is in pain.  

Admire every word, that one expresses with a true heart,

Appreciate every deed, that one does with hope. 

Conquer every trail to compete in this world,

Conduct is the only concept, that makes you proud.  

Stripes harm less,

But a harsh word hurts one to weep.

Secrets are told,

when a heart trusts someone, deep. 

Healthy kind minds strive honestly to lead,

Humanity is their wealth to prosper a generous need.

When life is almost at the end, 

just look back to see, 

how lively you have spent,

and to feel grateful about the LORD.

Though the hour is last to breathe..,

No matter what,

let there be no regrets please.....!! 

- Hazel Shirley -

Saturday, 1 July 2023


What's our personality?

The way we think defines the nature of our personality. It's very natural, that we often are very quick to comment or express our thoughts towards others. We are very subjective to learn about the people around us. We are objective to concern about the facts. Nevertheless, judging a person with our own insights is extremely pathetic, when we try to hurt or harm their sincere individual efforts.  The kindness recovers many injuries caused by unhealthy judging. We never know, when our words and deeds might cause immense stress to one another.

Avoid judgement:

Judgement is a twin to criticism. At times, there comes a situation where, self priorities deny the genuine nature of a person. Helping one another with mutual respect and understanding boosts one's healthy interaction and develops growth mindset. Not everyone in our society longs to win their fame. Sometimes, the work-life balance becomes so stressful, that they express their grief in the form of anger. This anger converts a person to burst out with several negative words and carry out unfavourable deeds. Such stress aspects involve mood swings, short temper, restlessness, meaningless doubts, rash speech, fatigue and hopeless thoughts.

Avoid Criticism:  

A lack of fear, social irresponsibility, complaining nature often makes one to live recklessly. At such situation, judgement and criticism becomes a daily routine. Any human being, who doesn't rely on faith in the living GOD then, the discipline of generosity and kindness falls apart. 

Ungrateful nature evolves unhappiness. Stress is almost found at every step, when patience and critical thinking are immersed in the bucket of dirty water called criticism. Judging nature is an assumption. It's self-made and coded with stress. 

Avoid Stress: Tips to overcome criticism.

To be truthful to oneself is always good.

The fear of GOD builds righteousness. 

This kind of healthy fear empowers us to be faithful.

Being cautious is a voice. Being truthful is a choice.

If all the electronic devices are made by the mankind, then the natural resources and the beautiful creation is definitely made by the great designer, who planned to help the mankind to survive and to multiply. GOD is the greatest designer.

Always be grateful, thoughtful and faithful for all the things and dearones around us.

Problems can be solved. Situations can changed. People will be transformed. Tasks will be resolved. Realisation is a key aspect to learn. 

One's behaviour is watched at life's every turn.

To help one another is a genuine quality.

To be accountable for our time is our priority.

A stressful life reamins unhealthy.

A meaningful life avoids criticism and jugdement.

It's a matter of mutual understanding and respect.

It Costs nothing than a humble recognition of humanity.

Hazel Shirley