Tuesday, 18 July 2023


The woman in the picture with a smile is Salwa Hussein !! She is a woman without a heart in her body. She is a rare case in the world, as she carries her artificial heart in a bag.   The British newspaper "Daily Mail" reported that Salwa Hussein, aged 39, is the only one who lives like this way in Britain.  She is married, is the mother of two children, and tries to live a normal life as much as she can, but with a twist!  Salwa's heart is placed in a bag which she always holds in her lap. The bag  is always with her with a device with two batteries weighing 6.8 kg, which is an electric motor and a pump, The batteries push the air into a plastic bag in the patient's chest through attached tubes, for blood circulation in her body.  All our personal problems and worries are nothing in front of this bold and beautiful woman.  Yet she smiles.

Read the complete true story about the bold and beautiful Salwa Hussein : A valuable message - Authentic inspiration.

Salwa Hussein - An inspiration for a gentle pure Smile. Stay blessed always. ( Thank you so much for your lively smile).



🌿 Being truthful for all the blessings and facilities relieves us from stress.

🌿 Being faithful for all the opportunities and help relieves us from stress.

πŸ€”  Are we arguing to win our name and fame?
πŸ€” Are we complaining to prove our worth?

🌷 Be Silent, if you right and truthful.

🌷An Argument doesn't resolve the problem.
Rather, it creates a problem.

🌷 Meaningful words and valuable deeds always have worth.

🌷 It's not important to prove our true identity, rather it's extremely necessary to avoid wrong influence.

🌷 Expression and explanation in a gentle clear way is always appreciable.

🌷 Striving to grab attention and affection in anyway causes immense stress. It's always unhealthy.

🌷 Avoid jealousy, pride, egocentric nature that indirectly evolves with constant worry. This worry inturn erupts into short temper, anger and frustration that causes immense stress.

The Truth can never be perished, a lie will not survive.

Always be grateful to ALMIGHTY for every breath we take and completely avoid complaining that causes unhealthy stress.

Let's remember πŸ’»βœ…βœοΈ

🦜 We often get irritated by hearing the dogs bark, the continuous chirping of sparrows that are rarely found these days.

But we can never stop the natural calamities - the roaring floods, thundering storms, erupting volcanoes, devastating droughts and none can stop the wars with deadly weapons, that are completely damaging the fertility of the serene soil. 

🌸 In the world of unkindness, if you have empathy. You are living a stressless life.

🌸 In a place of impatient behaviour, if you choose to vacate to a serene working place, then you are living a stress free life.

🌸  In a group of sarcastic nature, if you have clear conscience, then just reveal the fact to be kind.



Thankful Voice  🌿

Hazel Shirley 

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