Friday, 22 March 2024


'Every behaviour is a form of communication.'

"Kindness will not be forgotten."

If our children are listening to hours of violence occurring in the world through their gadgets, instead of a few minutes of care, healthy communication, and affectionate time from their parents and loved ones,

Think πŸ€” 

Who is winning the influence?


Our behaviour can either build a life,

it can scatter a healthy smile.

Choice matters; speak life. 🌿

Hazel Shirley  - 

"Thankful Heart - Peaceful Life." 
The Real Education is 
To Promote the kindness, non-profitably and unconditionally for a healthy Mindset in the world.

           Hazel Shirley   πŸŒΏ 

What does it mean to be a classy person?

A classy person is seen as high quality. A person, that rises above petty matters and crude behaviour. They dress and act with elegance and style. They maintain good manners, show respect for all around them, and say the right thing at the right time. They avoid topics of gossip, hate, divisiveness, and bigotry.

Courtesy: Google 

What is a behaviour in a simple definition?

The Behaviour is how someone acts. It is what a person does to make something happen, to make something change or to keep things the same. Behaviour is a response to things that are happening: internally - thoughts, words , deeds and feelings. externally - the  environment, responsibilities, interests, choices including other people.

Courtesy: Google 

What is a good behaviour definition?

Noun: satisfactory, proper, or polite conduct. conduct conformable to law; orderly conduct: The convict's sentence was reduced for good behavior.

Bad Behaviour: It is harmful to the society. Avoid it completely.

Courtesy: Google 


"Let's Learn to Speak those words on which we can sign without 

                              CLASSY    🌿

It's not about being rich, beautiful, trendy or intelligent. 

It's all about being self-disciplined.

Self- Discipline 

It's the combination of being honest and humble.

It's very rare to find though,

Treasure it, when you find it.

Practice it, when you learn about it.


Our behaviour can either build a life,

Or can scatter a healthy smile.

Choice matters - Speak Life.  πŸŒΏ


Ability to work effectively in time develops,

Capability to think productively conquers,

Words to encourage one another cherishes,

Sharing the responsibilities progress,

Good health prospers.

Hazel Shirley  - 

The most beautiful life is to challenge every situation with a pleasant smile,
and to prove to this world, 
that Life doesn't  define every rhyme.

One becomes strong by their memories and strength of love, that keeps them safe, serene, wise and strong. 

Beautiful are those lives, who taught us, that our feelings are born in sacred hearts and survive along.

Precious are those words, that come from the tears unseen.  

Marvellous are those eyes, that treasure those words in their Soul. 

~ Hazel Shirley ~

"Be the reason someone smiles. Be the reason someone feels loved and believes in the goodness in people."

Roy T. Bennett, The Light in the Heart

  β€œAny man's life will be filled with constant and unexpected encouragement if he makes up his mind to do his level best each day.”

- Booker T. Washington

Tuesday, 5 March 2024


 The Ray of Hope.....

The World Already has Millions of Preachers and Ten Millions of Entrepreneurs. 

Now, whom we don't find easily are the Good models and kind listeners, that can bind our hearts and build Our Nations. 

Hazel Shirley

A pleasant environment is a gift of the righteousness.

The Evil plots a secret scheme to ruin a rightful person, which decomposes the peace in the society.

Have you ever noticed people, who pay no attention towards the lawful deeds?

Have you ever tried to question them, not to live irresponsibly towards the society?

Have you considered to condemn lawlessness genuinely?

Have you ever tried reporting to the concerned authorities or officials?

Is your problem resolved?

If you have never witnessed or faced such a situation, then this article might not be an important post for you.


A Big threat to the society:

When the illegal words and illicit deeds are neglected, unnoticed, unreported and when they are not condemned, it will become a big threat to the society, we are living in.

The kindness or the cowardness of the bearer becomes a huge benefit to the illicit people, who might take lenience to continue the illegal deeds.


Unresolved issues might damage the living beings:

A constant flooding of rain water on the high way might damage the roads and can cease the transport.

A continuous cutting of trees might pollute our environment.

A dirty canal water and it's wastage, when sent into the near by sea, then it might ruin the huge ocean.

A hospital or an industry built in a residential area might spread contagious diseases quickly and can contaminate, that place. This is very hazardous for the public health.

An uninterrupted criminal illegal deeds or acts, might destroy the human civilization, and might turn to be a threat to the peaceful Living.


Voice to Values :

To condemn the wrong deeds and to report to the concerned authorities is our minimum responsibility.

In any environment, where earning name, fame and fortune illegally when ignored, then, the Gen Z needs to face it's cruelty, unknowingly.


The Truth Prevails:

Let the common sense work.

Keep the conscience Clear.

Empower the consciousness.

🌿     πŸŒΏ     πŸŒΏ      🌿       πŸŒΏ

5 C Enlightenments

🌷 Common sense

🌷 Consciousness

🌷 Conscience

🌷 Critical thinking

🌷  Compassion

Care and Counsel about the above 5 C Enlightenments to build a healthy mindset and a valuable society for the Gen Z. 


Condemn and report on every illegal act or deed. 

Not guilty of a sin is the biggest threat to the society.

Protect every place from the secret evil plots and inhuman illegal deeds.


Self- Discipline - Emotional Intelligence 

Stay Safe - Be responsible - Protect the Society - Preserve the environment -  Be kind - Practice Empathy.

Are we not responsible for the Gen Z ?