Wednesday 17 August 2011


Emotions are the aroused psychological state of the organism marked by increased bodily activity and strong feelings directed to some subject’.   –Kimball Young -

Emotion is an effective experience that accompanies generalized inner adjustment and mental and psychological stirred up status in an individual, and that shows itself in his own behavior’.   – Crow Crow –

The word emotion is derived from a Latin term Emovere which means to stir up, to agitate or to excite .Emotions influence actions in many ways .The stronger the emotion the greater the activity it will give rise to .

Negative emotions : They are anger ,fear ,jealousy , envy ,grief .They are expressed in the activities like kicking ,biting ,scratching ,bed wetting ,thumb sucking ,trembling ,running away , irritation ,resentment ,refusal to eat .These emotions cause stress on them .

Positive emotions:  Emotions like affection, amusement, curiosity, happiness and joy are the positive emotions which help in carrying out the activities smoothly and easily .Increase in heart rate ,rise in blood pressure ,changes in blood composition ,increase in respiration ,increase in muscle tension ,perspiration ,dilation of eye-pupil are signs of emotions .These emotions relieve them from stress .

Characteristics of emotions:  [During Infancy]

1. Emotions develop very rapidly and almost all emotions are developed in infancy.

2. Emotional life of this stage influences the social development of the child .Childs
Emotional relationship towards the parents, adults and siblings is of great importance as what the child will be socially is determined by their relationships.

3 .Unstable emotionally –Infancy is the period of violent emotional experiences. At this stage emotions are marked by intensity, frequency and instability.

4 .They have active emotional life. They are spontaneous and infant is hardly able to exercise control over them.

5 .Infant can’t hide his feelings. He is always afraid of being deserted, hungry, lonely and helpless. Stress is a part of their life.

6 .Childs emotions are brief .The time increases as the child grows in age because these emotional reactions lead to moods.

7. Infants emotions are transitory .Its laughter and weeping are almost side by side .This transitory character is due to lack of understanding and limited experience.

8. Emotional behavior is instant in infants .They respond immediately to the emotional stimulus. Emotional response varies from child to child .In the same situation, some children respond happily and some with opposition and indifference.
Stress is based on the maintenance of their negative emotions.

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